Paladin: Judgments of the Pure Tuning – 4 April

Play whichever spec you want. I am leveling alts with TW.

Damn you always otherwise rational and down to earth furyeclipser -.-

No I main DK, currently the lowest winrate class in solo shuffle at all brackets, the lowest rep and by rating in 2s and 3s(not a single DK played 2s above 2k in last 24 hours and <500 worldwide for both specs in 3s).

It would be fine for rets themselves to be tanky, it would fit into the class fantasy but the current state that they’re in is an abomination.

It needs a COMPLETE overhaul in PvP, it’s very clearly by the fact that Blizzard didn’t remove judgements of the pure on release that there was 0 thought about PvP impact on the Ret rework.

It has ruined the game for many people, look at the statistics for 3s.

For context, in the last 24 hours there was 6,192 Ret paladin games.

The total amount of games for DK, DH, feral, balance druid, devastation evoker, hunter, all 3 mage specs, ww, shadow priest, ele shaman, enhance shaman and all 3 rogue specs is 4,899.

It is simply impossible to play 3s currently if you aren’t a Ret or play with a Ret, Ret/war and Ret/demo (probably Ret hunter after the change to judgement of the pure) are literally 99% of games.

I watched a streamer yesterday at 2.5 play Ret war rsham and out of 42 games all 42 had a Ret paladin.

If you think this is okay then I don’t know what to say to you.

There has never been a spec more dominant than this, it goes past the meta, it isn’t the ‘favorable’ way to play as it’s the only way to play.

I was farming glad wins pre Ret buff, I’m now 2.2(dropped 300 rating) because I don’t play with a Ret, the game is completely unplayable, yes I’ve unsubbed but I enjoy(ed) the game and want to get glad again this season for the mount.

Blizzard, there has been a lot of mistakes this season, we had weeks of not being able to queue every Wednesday on EU, we’ve had bugs such as retribution aura 100% uptime, deathbolt hitting for 2 million+ due to legacy scaling for locks, we’ve had a class dominant meta(assa rogues) but nothing comes close to this.

Fix rets and give people a fair shot at glad again this season.

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i still think my idea of removing all abilties and letting you pvpers just auto attack is perfectly balanced :stuck_out_tongue:

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