Paladin for All. Wishlist Megapost

The fear of a homogeneous class fantasy coming from Tyr and the Silver Hand is a concern of many, myself included. Specially related to the Horde and how the writers had to Pivot from their first take on Priestly Orcs before the Lok’osh. Many people do wish for culturally sensitive takes for holy-warrior figures within their race templates.

Following my own Vulpera Paladin - Duneblessed post, I decided to make a post to accumulate the different takes I’ve been seing so far for something more fitting for each race given the (probably inminent) addition to paladins-for-all.
This is a collection of takes seen in Twitter, In-Game and forum ideas previously discused.

Some of these can already be found here


Night Elves

For long it’s been requested, and I don’t think it requires much discussion. The usual takes always imply something related to moon warriors, adding warden themes, imagery or armory in some cases. Talking about the latter, though, there were worries related to the Sun Warden Armor that will eventually become available. From what I’ve personally seen, the idea of Sun-related Night Elves is greatly reviled, and it’s not a good way to go.

Gnomes / Mechagnomes

Beans, the local Argent Dawn Gnome paladin has managed to write a sort of syncretism between the Silver Hand and Gnomish-related Ingenuity. To work from their own setup of rising ideas and perfection being tied to their progress and inventions could, and has been shown to work in previous examples (Lightforged Technology, IRL parallelism of reconciliation of Faith and Reason). It could be easy to start from the Silver Hand, given the Dwarven and Human takes of it, but it would be preferable in my opinion to keep an intellectual flair to them.

It has been pointed out to me that there are existing techno-priests and battle medics that could serve to fill this role.

In the case of Mechagnomes, we could extend it to the search for flesh and machine perfection, and tilt it towards a sort of mecha-paladin on lore. The option of making them mecha-origination freaks is something I’ve also discussed and observed previously.


In addition to an otherwise quite general Human Faith, there could be an interesting take related to nationalism and Gilneas as a motivator for taking the Light against the Forsaken once more in tandem with their Worgen forms. They were known to already worship the Light, I do not believe it would require more, but the discussion is open as I’ve not precisely researched this one much further.


Order of Embers is the first idea to come, and their fight against Witches already echoes the fight against Death and the Scourge. The Tidemother water paladins was also a possiblity, one I feel still tilts too much towards Shaman. Either way, given their faith with their Tide Sages tilts that way, it wouldn’t be an absurd idea in my opinion, though the demand of class skins would come alongside this.

Void Elves

Void Paladins or manage to create some sort of Discipline-Related paladins with a theme of uneasiness and great effort, akin to the Forsaken. The previous WoWhead post already includes a specific take of them, alongside Silver Hand High Elves, which aren’t precisely the object of this part.


Orcs / Mag’har

We already have their Priestly Lok’osh and their Song of the Heart as a basis to work from. An idea to mix with this in terms of Martial Prowess would be the fusion with the Spirit Champion class from the RPG and Blademasters, given they already connect to the Spirits and Spirit the same way the Lok’osh do, to make a Lok’osh-Lok’tra (Song of Heart - Song of Battle) Blademaster or warrior would be a logical outcome from this idea. It is also not explicitly a path of Light, but more of Spirit, so it wouldn’t create problems with the Mag’har in general.

" A spirit champion is a mighty warrior who embraces the spirits, to assist him in his battles. He strengthens his spiritual connection until he can feel the spirits flowing within his body and thoughts, strengthening his arms and quickening his mind. Whispered fragments impart insight into battle as ancestors speak of ways to overcome all foes. The spirit champion ceases to fight for his own reasons; he battles to honor the spirits and to further their wishes. Often these wishes coincide with his own, but occasionally the spirit champion embarks on a path for reasons that are unclear to him. He does so faithfully, trusting in the spirits to point him in the right direction."

Trolls, Darkspear

Many of you may already be familiar with the JTiger Paladins that Hearthstone brought with their take of Shirvallah. I believe this should be simply copied straight from there, it creates a good echo to the Historical Mayan Jaguar Warriors and given the inspirations of Trolls in general, I believe they would be a good fit. Rezan still remains a loa too tied to the Zandalari in this case, and the cultural differences are enough to actually just concede a holy loa of the Darkspear in this case.
Some people also consider the possibility of relating this to Vol’jin having gained the essence of Rezan and his potential rise as a Loa of Light. This would seem the direction they’re currently taking, if anything.


There are many fears related to the inclusion of Calia being a pathway towards this. The WoWhead post tackles both a Holy Warrior for the Forsaken, and the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow related take. I am biased towards the later, for they were already very set on their motives of shadow and/or discipline with the practice of these arts. I believe that a shadow paladin akin to one of the potential void elves could be the best way to go. Alternatively, we can draw from the Undead Scarlets found in Cataclysm to perhaps include the possibility of Undead Zealots that would refuse to abandon the Light even in their rotting bodies.


Goblins derive their faith from Greed and Gold as specified with their Air Priests. In this case, a personal idea is for them to become Ultra-Mega-Capitalists that incarnate the will of economic growth and golden motives. Another take could be more technologically sensitive in this case, becoming more cyborg-like, but I believe this could clash with their current way to call upon the actual cosmic Light, and within this Economic Faith they already include some technology related quotes and puns.


A tricky case, this one, because it would be easy for them to be accepted within the ranks of the Blood Knights if such take was to be replicated during and after the development of Suramar’s Lore. I believe, though, that it could also be wise to include their arcane spellblades as a way to start from, and maybe derivate into a sort of Light and Arcane syncretism the same way they did Arcane and Nature, perhaps already drawing from the forementioned Blood Knights. I am personally biased against making a carbon copy of Blood Knights for them, and I’d really welcome new ideas on this.

The idea of something related to Astromancers, as drawing power from the Stars or from specific planets is also possible, given the recent comments.

High Mountain Tauren

I would simply go with the usual Sunwalkers here, given that I’ve not seen much divergence from the belief of the Earthmother and An’she. If anything, I’d love if they included something related to the legacy of Huln and their historical figures to avoid an immediate carbon copy of the original Tauren Sunwalkers.

The discussion is already ongoing there, alongside my take. TLDR: Sand-devoted Holy Warriors. No Loa. Some shamanistic motives here and there.


It is mentioned in MoP that Chi-ji holds some sort of similarity to the Light, and I believe Crane Warriors would be the best to both introduce the holy warrior archetype to the Pandaren, and continue this line of thought. I’d combine it with the usual motives of anti-slavery uprisings and their monk inspiration. They could basically be Monks of Chi-ji within the lore. This is already included in the previously linked WoWhead post, alongside the Golden Lotus Valewalker as an alternative take.


Before making any suggestion, I’d prefer to wait for their current story to be finished. But from what I can already see, it could perhaps tie to their own identity as independent peoples beyond the nature of their magic. I believe, either way, I am unable to currently do or find anything related to this, precisely.


A good post! Thank you for it.


Thank you for writing this all down!

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Night Elves and Nightborne would both be viable targets for an Elunite paladin concept, just like their priests are (presumably) Elunite priests. In that regard, the NB are closer to the kals than the sins.

Though while we’re here the Blood Knights need something that gives 'em a bit of a bite back. Outside of aesthetics they don’t really have anything unique to them to distinguish them from the Silver Hand, belief wise.


One small post for Role Players.
One giant leap for RP Concepts.

You’ve inspired me to push Beans’ story further and delve into the concept of tech-paladins once more.


I thought of the Elune take and I know there are Elunites within the NB society. But it is because of the political situation they had against the Night Elves that I refused to include it here initially. I’ll see to revise this later because I’m also getting some news on the Darkspear.

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Alternatively for the Undead paladins, Alonsus Faol, the Archbishop that created paladins, is in Lordaeron since 9.2’s questline. Something could be done about that, as it’s the path of least resistance, but something related to the Cult of Forgotten Shadows would be cool too.

Perhaps a bit of both? He did not have any issues with sharing a faction with them back in Legion.


Bit of both is precisely on the main article and the artists’ original takes. It implies the further investigation into Light and Shadow to embrace all their aspects, not only the narrow and dogmatic view of the paladins.

Would love Troll paladins, you don’t even -need- to tie them to the light. just be ‘holy warriors’ for their loa. Souped up witchdoctor or something.

Yeah, or just the Light of the Loa, or just Spiritual Loa Warriors. Doesn’t have to be Light, I get that. Merely offering an example surfing on Holy magic.

I believe its already described for Zandalari troll paladins that they get their power’s from one of the Loa, I think Rezan, correct me if I am wrong though.

I think it would be nice if Blizzard started implementing class skins, instead of having every race use a generic holy version that we all know, just to add more variety to it all.


Rezan is dead. Only a few Zandalari still keep a connection to the Light as a whole.

If anything, Darkspear Vol’jin returning as a loa of light because of his remnants is also another option for Darkspear, but my problem with that idea is that:

  1. It gives no historical weight beyond the point of Vol’jin merging with him. There would be no recoginition of the Tiger/Jaguar warrior figure that is historically there.
  2. It may not be as accesible as a general loa for other trolls.
  3. It denies the nature of Vol’jin as a shadow hunter and a figure that had a development beyond that.

The Light of the Loa in this case would seem a stronger justification to avoid any specific retcon or establishment of any loa. We’ll see what they do.


yeah they do/did. Debatable if a loa can die die. Shadras died like 8 times now. If blizzard had any, I dunno, guts I guess, they’d make differing classes for each race. So shadow hunters for trolls, something vulpera related for them, vindicators for draenei etc etc. but they won’t.

Regarding Nightborne specifically, I think a good idea would be to make them a combination of a Spellblade and an Astromancer, the latter of whom already exist within Suramar and are known to draw upon the power of other worlds to enhance themselves.

I could see this working in one of two ways:

  • In a way that mirrors the origin of the Blood Knights, perhaps with a little less edge. Say a small sect of these Astromancers drew upon the power of a world heavily affected by the Light and decide to use that power to protect the people of Suramar.
  • Or, if for whatever reason Blizzard finally decide to stop forcing Paladins to use pee-coloured spells, Nightborne Paladins could focus on a more celestial and scientific take on the class that would set them apart from Blood Knights.

I think Shadowlands made it clear Rezan is dead dead, imo.

“The last glimmer… of my essence… is yours. Carry it… to Ardenweald.”
“Let all that I was… be reborn… within you.”
Rezan to Vol’jin

This is from the Ardenweald storyline. Pretty sure it means he’s dead dead and Vol’jin becomes a Loa in his stead. Possibly, but hopefully not, a build-up for Vol’jin becoming the Loa of Darkspear paladins (I really hope not though).

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I like this. Astromancer / Star Paladins was lurking for other ideas, I hadn’t pointed at Nightborne. Thank you for sharing this.

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Fair enough. That’s still blizzard vague imho, but it always is. Purposefully didn’t do a massive chunk of shadowlands because… well shadowlands. Mechanical fine but boring and generally rubbish story.

It also, in typical blizzard fashion, leaves a ton of open questions but that’s neither here nor there.

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Regarding the Darkspear “paladins” in general now though:

The Shirvallah paladins are imo a great concept to take from Hearthstone, because it is both an easy thing to do (it exist within a Blizzard game already) and it fits the Darkspear.

Shirvallah is a member of the Darkspear pantheon, and her lore in WoW itself is not as strong, though there are bits and pieces about her. There seems to be a bit of nature/druidic magic connection, through the WoD Feral talent Claws of Shirvallah, and also through the fact Darkspear druids shift into a tiger in the first place (I know Gonk did it, but the fact that he even was able to do it makes me think some connection has to be there).

I think expanding on her mythology would be worth it. Trying to keep the more nature theme in mind, connecting her to the Sun and its powers, and making the connection to the Light that way, could be worth exploring. The proud, strong tigress fights in the Light of the Day, facing her enemies with no fear. Her followers, the “paladins” so to say, would be then more akin to the Sunwalkers than traditional paladins. Which also fits with the general Horde paladin theming - the Blood Elves also have a connection with the sun (Sunwell anyone?).

Besides that, there are certainly other ways to present the Champions of the Loa, or their Holy Warriors, as there are many other Loa. But in this comment, I’m trying to argue for Shirvallah as the main patron Loa of what could be the in-game class of paladins.


I have been waiting for Worgen and Night Elf paladins for quite some time.

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Rezan may be dead for real, or this piece of SL will hopefully be retconned someday, but no one told his prelates about the atrocity that happened out there. It’s the faith in his eventual return both to life and to the place of the Loa of Kings that still allows his faith to exist, and there’s no way there aren’t new troll paladins recruited this way. All like with the lost loa of the Drakkari, Hi’reek and Shadra.