Pandaren heritage armor

Scotland has its very own brand of toxic nationalism!

Mostly centred around the Old Firm numpties fighting for, reasons.
And a touch of Anti-English nonsense that is also mostly focused around Football.

Being Irish (but living in Scotland) I can see the difference in Ireland with how England is seen these days. And it’s very different. They barely even talk about Britain these days. Brexit has increased this massively as Ireland bypasses England on the whole now when it trades with Europe.
There isn’t even much antipathy towards England anymore. That’s history. But for Scotland it’s still very present.

nah, football is an easy excuse for people to use when they don’t want to deal with the real problems.

for instance no-one seems to want to draw the line to sectarianism from the fact we segregate children at the age of 5 based upon religion…

but the current nationalism is basically just brexit in a tartan ribbon

Brexit and Scottish independence are basically the same thing. most SNP members dont actually want an independent scotland to be part of the EU. they see it as swapping one union for another (at least thats logical, even if i dont agree with it)

but it becae a drum to beat the tories with so they doubled down on it for votes.

it’s just more populism

Most Chinese traditional clothes sit loose and are made of silk.

WoW’s engine doesn’t really handle that very well.

I don’t know what they’ll do but I really would like loose fitting clothes if they can pull it off. I think especially the female Pandaren would look unreal levels of cute in a loose silk robe. :kimono:

Don’t honestly think we’ll get it though. We didn’t even get a neck seam fix. Feels like they just don’t care :cry:

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Yeah, I’d absolutely love it, but don’t think it’s likely.