[Pandaren RP] Pandaria Tavern Nights - 31/01 - Greenstone

Hello! :slight_smile:
I just wanted to ask if Temple of Yu’lon means the ingame location Temple of the Jade Serpent! Looking forward to join on my pandaren :slight_smile:

It’s the tavern under the bridge, right near the temple grounds. And of course, we’ll be glad to have you around!

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Thank you so much for the quick reply :slight_smile:

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Oh and I’m sorry but one last question: is there a dress-code or outfit preference? :slight_smile:

None. People come in whatever they see fit, from fancy dresses to trophy Zandalari gear. What matters is the company.

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Thank you for taking the time to answer, looking forward to tonight :slight_smile:

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The next day is on the 19th at the Tavern in the mists!

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This begins in less han two weeks! Hope to see a lot of Pandaren attending, new and experienced alike!

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Great company, I recommend checking out the Celestial Circle as a guild too.


This is tonight!

These are always a lot of fun! I’m always happy to see new faces around here!


Another great Tavern night on the 26th!


Ooh I was not even aware of such a community. Are most Pandaren Alliance? (I am Horde).

I will endeavour to attend on the 26th.


Ally and Horde are pretty much equal. And of course, we’ll be glad to have you around!


This is tonight!

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This month’s Tavern night will happen 23rd September, near Stormstout Brewery! Come one, come all!

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Less than a week left until the event!

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This begins in an hour!

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Another tavern night! Can’t wait for it! Always happy to meet new pandas of horde and alliance alike


This is this Sunday!