<Paradise Lost> recruiting mythic/hc raids and m+

I’ll keep this a very honest post.

Let me start with our description:

We’re a horde guild formed back in the glory hardcore days of Wotlk . Most of us play this game since TBC.
We’re old school players . We’ve seen stuff, been through stuff, stood in stuff.
We are all adults , 30+y olds armed with bad Barrens chat jokes , lots of sarcasm and no tolerance for pc warriors.
We like our guild to be a place where we chill with our animated pixel buddies , playing a game we all enjoy.
We’re a dying breed. We are the ones that take their class seriously but we’re not raider io junkies .
We quit and came back few times. We cleared hc, doing a lot of m+ keys now and we are looking for people that will stick with us on a long run. That means after Curve, after hype is done.
We got booze.

We dont want to bring any elitist fotm toxicity into this guild.

We dont like to bench people , so we’re looking for cough commitment and reliable people.

We raid 2 nights/ week (Wed/Thr) from 8.30 PM realm time and we are looking for more active players to complete our group and get some mythic kills while waiting for next tier. We have an optional Sunday raid for the more casual players.

We will never ask you to play a class that you dont enjoy , but we do ask for everyone to respect each other’s time investment and be online for raids. Don’t sh*t on our game time , fanks.

Oh, and dont stand in fire. And whatever you do, NEVER blame healers!

Hopefully there are people out here with the same mindset and some gaming skills.

Just in case you are insane enough to contact me : Tammz#2233 ← ther.

Thank you!

Classes we have special kink interest for : warlock, druid dps. And m+ tanks, we ate the ones we had.


I rate this guild a 10 Brann Bronzebeard wiping your delve by pulling everything and not healing you out of a possible 5 Ara-kara Sacbroods from your great vault myth track gear 2/6 upgrade.

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LF nicer people than Connoh, the guild bully.

We are running out of crayons for Connoh to munch and he’s now on the loose around the forums. If you find him, keep him.

So! LFM! Special interest in grey parsing warlocks, shamans, paladins , but we can accommodate more classes.

Well, damn. Hypnosz is using proper spelling and grammar so they must be serious.

Kinks of the month:
M+ tanks (Connoh ate the ones we had)
Raiders for our mythic team - lf druids, locks and unicorns.

We are awesome, join us

I just joined and I received enormous support as a returning player. Guild has been really helpful with helping me gear up and learn what has changed over the years. You can’t go wrong with us.
I wrote this under distress

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Join, we have Gila.

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As a returning player, i’ve found this guild very welcoming and helpful. They have been helping me learn tacts on raids/m+. Very chilled .

i have a sore back after boosting these nubs on a daily basis, could do with some more casters to help me out

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Ever since I joined people in this guild keep walking off cliffs, I really don’t get it…

Maybe because you place the summoning stone close to the edge of the cliff, you devil!

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we are accepting all ethnicities! but we would love another french canadian to meme off :frowning:

We are progressing in a steady manner, still looking for new members!

can anyone recommend a good physiotherapist

We are interested in recruiting wine drinkers! But it is highly advised that you follow these set of guidelines:

  1. You must drink wine from a tea cup
  2. You must drink wine with ice
  3. You must drink wine with a straw

The more you follow the more loot you get and the happier the guild will be.

Just to give you guys a heads up, recruitment is open for all classes!

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Still recruiting! And if anyone can offer a verbal massage for my aching back due to all the carrying then that would help wonders

As of right now, even if we had a couple of new guys joining us, we are still looking for more DPS to fill the spots. So, all DPS classes and specs are welcome!

Lfm raiders to help Connoh parse grey.