Patterns within patterns quest

I’m impressed you listened.

Yrs, the one weekly like Korthia worked very well for alts and fun/reward per time spent.

Good change.

I haven’t had a lot of positive things to say here lately (grrrr, fix Feral rant) but this is a very welcome change. May be there is some sanity left at Blizz after all :wink:

To ask for additional clarity - with increasing the rewards, does this also apply to cypher equipment that dropped from the box? Ie, will that also increase ?
It feels like got gear from every box, and unless the new weekly version drops two it would be a significant slow down on a useful gearing route.

Rep and such is of course very appreciated, but gear remains an extremely important element of reward.

Good change in my opinion korthia weekly was a positive part of that zone.
3 day quest is managable but still kind a toxic :smiley:

They’re changing it to weekly.

Sadly with the change from 3 days to 7 Blizz have managed to sneak in another nerf to gearing alts or catching up. There is now only 1 gear drop a week instead of a possible 2 or 3 as the chests still only contain 1 piece of gear. Golfclap.

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