They set north into the Plaguelands with only one lead: that Enright and his men had headed west, towards the border of Tirisfal. One by one, they went to each farm, searching for clues as to Enright's whereabouts. It was revealed that he had stayed at one such farm with the eighty-two men of the 113rd Provincial Guard briefly, before travelling eastwards into the Eastern Plaguelands.
Thus began a trail of corpses: first near Andorhal, where a mass grave had become the sight of a massacre. Alliance soldiers lay among the dead and undead, belonging to Enright's entourage. Further east, near Darrowshire, they encountered yet another grisly scene.
Yet it was here that matters began to grow complicated, for though the bodies were dressed in Alliance colours, the ramblings in the journal that they discovered there were that of a Damned man. It spoke of something known as the 'Crypt of Arduran', which was widely coveted among the Cult, as had been revealed by Sir Uriel's investigations prior to the Order's return to duty.
Soliciting the knowledge of the Argent Crusaders at Crown Guard Tower, the Order was directed towards the Blackwood, at the center of the Eastern Plaguelands, and then onwards to a campsite pitched by the 113th near the border of the Plaguewood. At every turn, more of the same: Enright's men, some simply enthralled by the dreadlord within, and some owing allegiance to the dark master of the Cult of the Damned.
Raiding the 113th's encampment, however, proved fruitful. There, they found the tooth half of a hoary key, contained within a midnight-black box of metal, and an inkling that the remainder of the key might be found deep within the long-dead tunnels of Azjol-Vexis - that which the crusaders of the Order had ventured deep into prior to the Corruptor's awakening, and which had remained dark and deserted for all those many months...