[PCU] [Death Knight-Ebon RP - A&H] The Ebon Onslaught - A great threat

Fair enough, I had hoped they would’ve released more info on the how and why in the meantime(since I just returned from a birthday party and I missed most of Blizzcon up until now D:<)


It would be cool if the various new dk race have different explantion on how they became dk like Goblins and Worgen had.


That little cabin with all the DKs of different races in it was a great addition in the original DK intro, I agree that something similar would be sicc for the new wave.


Y’all want to make a Dk and join and join, I hear you.
But as posted above, please give us some time to adapt to our new numbers and such before we allow more people again!
Later on, the Onslaught last open its doors for some fresh ichor!
We’ll keep you in check!


I am not trying to join until I can make a KT DK so you got time.

Seriously contemplating turning Zereya here into a Lightforged Draenei. She’s already played as a sort of “the Naaru haven’t abandoned me and I hate that because IT BURNS”, but I can turn that up to 11 when her entire body is glowing with pain tats…

Wouldn’t those Lightforged tattoo’s just become infused with Necromantic* magic anyways?

I always assumed a normal Draenei Death Knight and Lightforged Draenei Death Knight are basicly the same, except for extra options :open_mouth:

Lightforged Death Knights raise so many questions. For some reason, people seem more reluctant to accept Void Elven ones.

Honestly I don’t know. I look forward to seeing what options they get and if it’s discussed. We know there’s Zeliek and now Calia who are capable of wielding/ being merged with the Light despite being ‘dead’ so who knows?

I’d like to think that a Lightforged Death Knight is basically constantly at war inside, constantly suffering, but who knows? Plus I bet the heritage set would look great!

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Well, keep an eye out for any information when they’re out!
And on our thread as well to see if recruitment is open yet again or not!


I say we, the Knights of the Ebon Blade, need to head to the Shadow Vault after the Lich King gets his power broken too fight the restless Scourge on their home territory!

9/10 “VElf DKs” will be “High Elf IC” DKs, that is what I foresee.


I, uhh, fear the same…

I suppose its a way for them to fill their High Elven fantasy finally :stuck_out_tongue:

If they don’t get a high elf customization option, which would be amazing. If not, that would be a plausible option because ppl have been wanting them for ages and that would be the thing most similar to the model.

On topic, I hope you accept all allied races once you open your doors once more, might make a velf dk :slight_smile:

Make sure to get in contact with us and we’ll tell you! But I think it should be a yes!
No promises. But the positivity is there!


Why would they? Void Elves already have a blue-ish eye glow, and DKs aren’t likely to have pink skin either.

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Sorry to crush the party but please remain on topic within this thread!
Thank you very much. :black_heart:

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Will do, sorreh.

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I look forward to RPing with you guys more in the future. Keep the DK RP going.


Nothing wrong with that, honestly. A whole lot of them died in Quel’thalas after all :wink: