Goodluck to the fighters!
They’re lucky I am on a break, otherwise I would’ve easily won it!
Goodluck to the fighters!
They’re lucky I am on a break, otherwise I would’ve easily won it!
Let’s hope they don’t disappear before they are succeeded this time then as with almost every latest champion. But the first champion might make a appearance.
Sure you would have… Sure you would…
Unless we learn to grow artificial flesh.
The title of champion is not just a show of strength. It is recognition. Of wits and tactics. Of resourcefulness and adaptability. A champion is a sign of a knight that goes beyond their capabilities to rise above. To be the first one that takes an opportunity that looms before them. To be a symbol of dread for our opponents in the field of battle.
A champion strikes fear to our foes, crushes our enemies that dare stands before us, and serve as an example to all knights of what it means to walk our path. A champion is the embodiment of what we are. Of what we do. Where the living falter, we rise up, and standing above them all, is the champion of our order.
I pass on my title to you, for you have proven yourself today through battle, through strength, through wit. Look upon your knights that stand before you. Look upon them, know that they look back at you… as the Champion of the Ebon Onslaught.
The words of one champion passing on their title to a new one, who has proven themselves in a tournament the Ebon Onslaught hosted.
Hail to our new champion: Cryptclaw!
Hail and congratulations brother!
Target acquired. Marked for destruction.
That’s cute.
One evening.
Two events.
27 online.
What are you waiting for? Join us!
Targets spotted-wait, re-analyzing. Target fleeing, with a title.
27 people online at once. Doing what you may ask?
Protecting Orgrimmar and Stormwind of course. The Alliance and Horde need our knowledge, might and numbers to counter the Scourge.
27 people online at once. Doing what you may ask?
Protecting Orgrimmar and Stormwind of course. The Alliance and Horde need our knowledge, might and numbers to counter the Scourge.
After a -busy- meeting, the Onslaught is now moving in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdom to help the living fighting the Scourge!
It is time to join us, to bask in the glory, shared by all!
Not just any busy meeting.
A meeting of thirty-three death knights of the Ebon Onslaught!
We ran out of chairs, some had to use initiates as such ones.
Damn, EO popping off in a major way
After a -busy- meeting, the Onslaught is now moving in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdom to help the living fighting the Scourge!
It is time to join us, to bask in the glory, shared by all!
The last few days have been full of tensions as the Ebons work alongside the living.
The death knights who aid the Horde have managed to drive back attacking Scourge at Razor Hill, but we can’t stop now. The living may need to rest, but the dead don’t.
Our Alliance sided death knights will be moving out to protect areas soon as well. Let us turn the tide of battle.
The Ebons are still recruiting at this time. Fallen to the ghouls? Time for revenge. We’ll drag your spirit back kicking and screaming into the shell you once called your body and you will serve once more.
You get a free set of initiate robes for successfully not turning into a ghoul!
Ghoul chow vs servitude to the Ebon Blade, what will you choose hmmm? The choice should be obvious.
Preparations are being made to leave for the Shadowlands as we speak.
Soon, it will be time for the Onslaught to leave for the afterlife, only to face whatever dangers await them!
It is not too late to join us. Enlist now!