Kyrian’s seem like a bunch of slave drivers to these wierd owls, might even try and “convince” one to come with me, could always use a slave- i mean worker that isn’t brain dead like a ghoul or slacker like a Geist (and a certain commander.)
We had a BIG first day moving into the Shadowlands. We marched forward, through a portal held open by two initiates…
Only to be brought to a strange realm, of purity, peace and calm… And strange angelic people who were not too pleased with an undead army turning up at their doorstep (Wonder why…)
The Ebon Onslaught is now in the process of finding where they are, locating places to set up and most importantly… finding out what is going on.
Lucky for us… We were approached by a dark winged figure who seemed to want to help us. A lot better than those ones who expelled us from ‘Hero’s Rest’.
Here is an album of images taken by our knights.
Come join us! Our adventure into the Shadowlands has just begun!
activate windows
Roleplay has cease for the moment as we all enjoy Christmas with our friends and family.
The Ebon Onslaught wishes everyone a happy holidays.
Merry Christmas every fellow DK rper out there :3 (even a certain dimwitted commander. :* ) from the Onslaughts First Champion
Standing on the cliffs that’s surround Ebonreach Obadiah stared off over the golden plains of Bastion. At least that’s what the Kyrian servants called it. The view was serene as the rest of this realm. For now he was forbidden from causing too much harm to the inhabitants. Restricted to scouting endeavours, the expedition to the Shadowlands has given him an awful lot of time to think.
He dug underneath the neck or his armour and pulled out a locket. The soaring eagle of Alterac was engraved upon it. He flicked it open. Inside lay a picture of a man and a woman, both with similar complexions. He felt nothing. The man resembled himself in life give or take a few years. The woman however gnawed at him. Was she a partner? A sibling? He focuses on all that could remember from before.
White Snow…moving shadows…quickened breaths and finally the ground rushing toward him and a terrible pain in his shoulder. The scars still linger of course on his shoulder. That was it. He shut it closed and closed his fist around it. It began to frustrate him. This mysterious woman. Who was she? Did she matter to him? She must have if he kept the locket…
He buried it back beneath his plate as one of the patrols drew near. Bastion was keeping him idle for too long. He needed a good slaughter and soon.
In a few days, we shall return to our duties.
In a few days, we shall conquer the Shadowlands once more.
I dare you. We shall settle this in Theater of Pain!
You guys have kept this going for a minute! I’ll look you up.
Arindha the stinker.
Hugues is still bald.
The year is over. The trial of stress and pain is done.
Through struggle, hardship, joy, tears and fun.
It is time to say goodbye to a year, it is finally done.
Goodbye 2020… Hello Twenty-twenty one.
At last, the Onslaught has returned ot the field.
Back in Azeroth to deal with a certain Vrykul Death Knight; to create a chimera and prepare ourselves for our next venture in the Shadowlands - now is the time to find us in Acherus!
The Ebon Onslaught are a damn good DK guild and remain the most accurate and suitable group to represent the Ebon Blade in it’s ideals from the Wrath era and the post Legion era.
May they serve the Highlord with honor forevermore.
Yes… our duchess is stinky, she’s dead.
The Onslaught encountered quite the force yesterday in Dragonblight, at the boarder to Zul’Drak.
This was quite ideal as we are testing two promising candidates for the Ravager position!
Can confirm she is indeed stinky and dead.
Ne lox Ne Lox
Not new to RP, but new to DK RP, Ebon Onslaught have been nothing but kind to me. I am truly enjoying my time with this slightly crazy but also lovely people.
Best part is, they are very understanding when RL comes in the way and you can’t be that active with RP for a while. Thank you. Really.
Anyone who is looking for a great guild, and want to explore the wonderful dark weird world of death knights really should come join us!!!
Can confirm. Should get a face lift and some strong perfume, as half the face is gone. I think some transplantation is in order for that part of the face, can’t score a date looking like that. Not that i think anyone would date a psycho like the Commander.