PCU Discussion, Questions and Views

Can you elaborate on this? I never got this feeling no matter which PCU guild I RPd with.

As has been mentioned before, the naysaying crowds christened the community as PCU. PCU then adopted this name to spite them. There is nothing more to it.

If only youd seen what I have seen…

I have a feeling you are thinking way too much into this


Feeling like watching Soap Opera or DBZ right now. Fighting the finall boss, people shortsightedness and entitlement to righteus opinion flinging. Good lord…just stop arguing. People wont be persuaded. Geniuly those antagonizing PCU posts make me more inclined to join it than the opposite.


I have never felt this, mind explaining why you think this ?

The name Perroys Cinematic Universe were given by people who did not like Perroy I believe, and it has stuck ever since.


PCU was a means of an insult, so the community turned it around and took the name and used it as the name of the community.


Honestly this is something that I felt even back when I had a negative perception of the PCU. Most of the “criticisms” I saw levied towards them were blatantly inflammatory and hardly evidence based, and often said by individuals who had skeletons chilling out in a closet who’s door had been ripped off it’s hinges. It infuriated me because I thought they were doing more harm to anybody who spoke up in any capacity about this group of roleplayers than good because they made everyone who said anything bad about the PCU look like an absolute crazy person.

This was actually something I used to feel as well. I think the marketing of the PCU, putting [PCU] in every recruitment thread and the sheer size of the group made me feel that it was less about creating a roleplaying community and more of a means of showing how much influence this one group had over the server. Maybe Korok has a different reason, but I thought I’d weigh in because it is something that I’ve felt, and honestly it’s easy to lose track of the fact that most people are in the PCU to just roleplay. It’s what the server is for, after all.

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The name actually comes from the detractors, Perroy just took it and ran with it because it was funny.

You’re more than welcome to mosey up to any of us and join in, or chat with us OOC and try to arrange something. Public events like this are just that - public, and they end up taking on a life of their own. I know it’s intimidating because it’s a big group, but trust me - speaking as a former detractor it’s the best move I ever made in terms of game enjoyment and both quality & quantity of RP.


The idea is that it’s like one big guild, even across themes and associations IC’ly. It’s like a clique. A large, yet really introverted community. That’s my impression.

It absolutely is not. The guilds are so varied with so different IC goals and motivations that it couldnt even be. Sure they RP among themselves to forge alliances and conflicts. Anyone can participate in this without any prior knowledge of what is going on


Shut up your posts are boring


Sorry I’m not writing clearly. I meant that there is an introverted community OOC’ly. OOC is just as important as IC when joining a community I think. It’s just an impression I have, not saying it’s the objective truth or anything.

Just to put something into perspective here: Yesterday I made an effort to talk with several PCU-members in one of the topics and in the end I met hissy fits while everyone was on hyped themselves up by liking every posting just to undermine my own opinion. It certainly did not feel good but this behaviour was to be expected if you’re going into a lion’s den.

I came to the conclusion that, while the PCU is a good contribution to AD, it still lacks true transparency akin to the Argent Achives. Given how many people they have by now and certainly continue to grow, they need to step up their commitment and make it even more professional.

If it was an introverted community, how would they grow to be so well known and with so many members?


Cults can be large and yet, introverted. The magnitude of the community isn’t relevant to that point.

It may seem introverted from whatever impression you’ve gotten, but I daresay we communicate more with those outside our own community than the average RP guild does. You wouldn’t levy the same criticism at them, would you?

Yeah, okay, I see what your angle is supposed to be.


I would in fact. I did when I was back on Defias Brotherhood and one of the only remaining RP guilds refused to play ball with the few remaining rp guilds.

They are most certainly not introverted. It is a fantastic community that even seeks to include as many beginners as possible, aslong as they adhere to simple rules, we are more than willing to teach anyone the ropes of RP.

That’s how I got started.

People don’t owe you their time, we all pay the same subscription.

That’s good to hear. Maybe I should give them a chance if I get back into roleplaying.

What’s this even supposed to mean?
Real quick, hold up: Try and imagine that I’m not saying you’re wrong and I’m right, for a second.

It means that you can’t force someone to interact or RP with you.