its jungle time babey
time to go Rambo mode
Perhaps this will be the chance to remove all those non-trolls from Stranglethorne
Fortunate Son starts playing loudly
Guild Name The Highblood Myrmidons
Estimated Numbers 8-11
Faction Horde
Contacts Rynore, Kalinrea, Anyssra
Nah, nah, nah, mon!
Dis be de time ya return to ya ROOTS, elflin’!
return to monke advocate speaks out on the advantages of returning to primitive state
Guild name: Ronin
Faction: Horde
Avg. activity: 6 - 8+
De audacity … we be seein’ where ya loud mouth be leadin’ us ta …
Guild name: First Sunnyglade Free Company, Sunnyglade Ratters
Faction: Alliance
Avg. activity: 10-12
Contacts: Gallvin, Darkplume, Sloth
Just another job for the Ratters
Guild name: The Darkspear Warband
Faction: Horde
Avg. activity: 6 - 10
I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
We must seize the gold and jewels and redistribute them to the needy. Mostly the Ratters, but also the needy.
Time to get sweaty and bonk some troll zombies!
Looking forward to it!
Sunnyglade ratpresent
git sum boys. GIT SUM.
Guild name: The Eyes of Elwynn
Faction: Alliance
Activity: NA
The ever watchfull, self proclaimed defender of Elwynn, attuned to the call of the wild, has felt an ominous presence far to the south. To defend his verdant home he must venture into the darkest jungles of Stranglethorn to discover and eliminate this threat before it lands a single toe in Elwynn Forest.
I’m a one man band at this time but I hope to get involved in some campaigns.