[PCU] [X-FACTION] North & Void RP -- The Grim Gest ☠

We control em


Hey, so I’ve enjoyed playing with you guys and the other Loyalists on my Undead during the campaign but I’m more of an Orc person. Would you guys be interested in a cough less than cough honourable Laughing Skull orc?

I’m wanting to weigh up my options a bit, will need to check a few things with some people first but depending on the outcome I would very much like a spot

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Drop 6 foot boulders on their heads.

Sure just contact Morsteth, see what the man thinks. GG accepts more than just undead, we’re pro-multiculture.


Alrighty, once I’ve checked some other stuff I’ll get in contact.

we’ll accept your character if he or she fits into the guild. we love em :smiley:


You don’t fit anything, my boy

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me when shopping for clothing


where did your character buy that top? :couplekiss_man_man:

Exolth fits em

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Not telling you.

Well, he is a bit feminine anyways, so true

His ceremonial armor was still coated with the blood of those slain in a recent battle at Wintergarde’s kepp doorsteps. Twisted by the dark powers, his family aegis still kept the draconish motives and details over it, togheter with remarkably sculpted roses adorning shins and gloves. He removed his otherwordly iron circlet, a gift from a precious ally of the Gest, whos name he had not spoken in months. A long mane of silver white hair fell onto his shoulders. His ageless skin brought marks of hundreds battles, ruby eyes narrowed while peering at the human’s wall from the Scrying room he built inside the Necropolis. He sat on his throne-alike chair, carved from bones and skulls from which blood started flowing as if anguishing at the Darkfallen’s presence. Nearby, Xotrios Drak’ash had left his vampiric blade Drauk’hain, his guard shaped into two snakes coiling against eachother and in the middle, the Stygian Hunger glowed of a dark crimson, socketed into a draconic eye.
As the accursed blood stone called, his mended wounds burnt as if fresh. He could feel the ice magic of a Ren’dorei blowing onto his Saronite armor just as much as the blade of her assassin kin plunge into his flank. The battle at the Azure shrine was indeed a loss, and the memory of it intensified his mounting desire to kill.
In darkness, he felt an hand tenderly stroking his face, though with his agumented senses he knew there was none else in his chambers, he stared at the gem, as a feminine voice chanted into his mind:
“Have you grown so weak you cannot better a bunch of lowly, mortal trash?”
“Have you not sieged Karabor with your kin, and win the Temple out of Maghteridon’s grasp?”
“Have you not fought on Quel’danas to the last, and beyond death In Northrend?”
“You keep losing, and I am thirsty”
Xotrios grimaced as the stone pulsed bright, staring at the dark clouds gathering outside.
“Rest, it is nearly dawn, your foes will dwelve into the warm of the Sun so precious to your kin as you prepare”
The Duke snapped fangs at air, throwing the sword against the stone walls, his rising power had his silver hair briefly float like serpents ready to bite as he declared:
“There is no rest, I have no sun.”


In all honesty, the coolest guild to interact with, fight with, hell, even just HEAR about. GRAND RPers throughout the entire guild, with an amazing concept! I’ve also seen their absolute dominance when it comes to PvP when that single raid warning pops up on the screen, causing them to wipe us out instantly!

They get to have my favourite GIF of them all just because




RIP and TEAR until it is done!


“Up onto the overturned keel
Clamber, with a heart of steel
Cold is the ocean’s spray
And your death is on its way
With maidens you have had your way
Each must die some day!”
- Cit. -





Read somewhere that this guild actually has their own merch


Still the best Loyalist Void villains around.


Thank you for having the Corsairs on your ball!
I enjoyed it and I believe many of us did too! I hope we can make something together for Christmas. :santa:
Tyrinar did an amazing job organizing most of this IC.


Bury 'em in the hills of Arathi