People are...weird >.> Ya all alright?

Blorp skrizzle-whoop! If words were noodles, I’d spaghetti-slap the dictionary into a noodle tornado of who-knows-what! :spaghetti::tornado: Flibberflab!


Yeah god forbid you have interaction with another player in world of warcraft in 2025, I may implode with social anxiety.


Interraction is not a monologue, my dude.


Zing-zap, monodoodle! Inter-whatchamacallit? Nah, it’s a ping-pong of flibberjabber, my brotato chip! :cyclone::ping_pong:


you consider it bullying for people to kill you in world pvp then tell you they owned you? you know how soft and pathetic that is? you clearly lack real life experiences if this is your threshold


Please log on another alt Albertnorman.
I get you- you are part of the Shreder or whatever his name was.
I find it funny that you bring real life into this since you clearly got no common sense.
I do consider messages bullying.
I dont consider people killing me in a video game bullying,
Theres more that can be done in that manner to be considered bullying.
Though, the devil is in the details, and the thing you refuse to adress is that SHARDING works differently in RP realms, funnily enough many of his group moved to this realm exactly because of this.
So now they can kill a player even if they change a zone, until they turn their PvP off.
Heres a story during DF: I was helping a friend level, and since i had multiple encounters with the said guy days prior, not only he had to come gank me but also my friend with a full group on top of that.
Now i know you at 1.8 rating are very skilled but I cant kill a whole group like you can that has 2 healers and 3 dps all of them with 30 % versa/mastery buff so I left, and these dudes continued to harass my friend who was still leveling, and since he was new it took a lot of explaining to get him off WM.

do you feel bullied right now?

So you got embarrassed that your friend saw how bad you were at PVP and couldn’t defend yourself and him against Sredder, so instead of dropping the ego and telling your friend to turn war mode off and admitting you can’t world pvp you let yourself and him get ganked repeatedly? you just don’t sound like a good friend or very smart player for giving your friend that experience.

Bullying is not a feeling.
Its a practice.
You going out of your way targeting people verbally + acting in ways to be disruptive repeatedly is bullying.
Regardless how I or you feel about it.
Nobody likes to be the bad guy, but worse is denying the truth.
And i know you wonna paint me like im some sort of liberal snowflake, i can assure you im not, but there has to be a middle ground in everything.

Im so bad in PvP man, thats why Im here with my toon and you’re there on your alt , hidden profile.

I cant defeat a premade group of 5 people with 2 healers + 30% increased main stats buff. Lets not act like anyone can, alone.

We literally turned wm off as soon as we saw a gigantic group literally Spirit-Healer ganking us.
We literally had to que into skirmish so we can Heartstone out.

Dude you are so gasslighty and untruthful, lack of honor and should i even keep going, you should apply to CNN or some propaganda program.

I get that you mad because you felt called out, and now you’re even proving it by telling on yourself but in truth its the content that you love that you’re killing.

Just because you can → doesnt mean you should → and just because you did → doesnt obsolve you of guilt and looked down uppon → hence why this discussion.

Just dont go overboard with killing the same player, if they retreat into another zone to continue on their marry way- dont follow them. If you beat them - do not whisper them in a degrading manner.
Its not like this is such a crazy expectation unless something is wrong with you.

telling someone you own them a video game, is not bullying

your ego is just so fragile that you want to play the victim


You constantly try to reframe stuff in the most narcisistic form possible and you think you have a conversation but refuse to hear what im saying, on top of that you monologue some condecending ABSOLUTE NONSENSE.
I dont see myself as a victim, the practice is just toxic- dont whisper people degrading stuff, its not that hard.

its world pvp, you die as many times as you allow yourself too, this is NOT like old days on pvp realms, you can turn this option off at any point… either get good or get gone its that simple

Some people could use a hug. There are some people in the thread and screenshots that do too. I’m sorry something hurt them this much, really


“Fotm reroller”, ah yes just because i can play more than 1 class like yourself makes me a fotm reroller. Tho im not sure if you can even do that.:kissing_heart:


god you are clearly not a serious person, freely using the term “narcissist” in relation to world pvp forum thread discussion just sums you up… pathetic

Sure, just dont whisper people degrading BS.

It was in ralation to your reframing patterns, the gasslighting, the lies, the shaming attempts.
These are by the book narcisistic tendencies.
Crazy, I know right?

no lies were told on this day, have a nice life sir

Its crazy how everytime a class was busted you were on it, dude. Just saying.
Even if its a portion of the spec thats broken- you would be specced right into it.
Your druid also was boomkin for 3 expansions until the start season when feral got busted - so you were feral.

I like how the whole gang came to tell on itself.

imagine complaining about buffs and other tricks in world pvp, maybe you should try blitz or 2s? Might be more fair or do u have another excuse


Ive always played both specs lmao and always played most classes, and still when your main spec is busted you cant get anything done alessthor or what ever your name is