People are...weird >.> Ya all alright?

Just turn off war mode if you can’t handle the heat, if I wanna gank you I’ll keep ganking you till you log off, turn off war mode or hide in safe zone. Stay bad buddy.

i was once feared during TBC
back when everyone knew each other on each server by name

i would sit in STV and hellfire and wreck havoc, ganking all day


I salute you fine sir

1 Like Care to explain?

absolute cinema :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:
Btw Alby feel free to try.
Im a lone ranger so i expect it 1v1 though, owlrite mate?

I haven’t seen you in WM for a while now. Where are you hiding? I did have fun in the BG the other night, though. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

im working my cheeks off. I barely play :confused:

Ahh, fair enough. Well, don’t be shy to come out and play. I’ll tell Sredder to go easy on you. :kissing_heart:

haha, im not afraid of boosted fotm rerollers. He just wont ever meet me at a fair ground.
Im not looking forward to it either after yesterdays stunt.

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Perhaps we can let them turn WM on when you’re not around? I think the PTSD from the DF with their friend is too strong. :rofl: :sweat_smile: :kissing_heart:

how am i boosted :dizzy_face: , if you mean getting higher rated than you in half the games it could just mean u suck.

I think the joke might have went over your head. Bzzzzzt.

ooooooofff :cold_face:

world pvp died with realm hopping and follower dungeons anyway.


Lol you guys still going? :joy:

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Man this thread :rofl:

Oh dear… Well if follower dungeon queue has to go, which it does, then shadowmeld and flight form should too! >:( Sick and tired of Alessthra and night elf druids alike getting away for free! edit I mean at least let us netomatic them if we scatter or stun on ground…

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cba ill use fly form if i can, you also can mount up with feign death 3x more times.
By the same token we should remove gliders and vanish.

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Except you can stun or root me and netomatic me or vortex me or insta fly after me and whirling surge me… Why can’t I whirling surge you in bird?

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Silence speaks volumes…