Pet Peeve #37: With a License to Peeve

This new BlizzardTM forum is a vast, modern improvement on its predecessor and we should all respect and appreciate the effort they have gone to in order to improve our online experience.

(pls give amnesty blizzard I’m good now I promise)


I keep seeing this everywhere too. What gives?

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This new forum is a confusing mess. How the hell do I use it? How do I access people’s armouries?

??? ? ? ?? ? ? ?

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It’s where I deleted a post, due to misunderstanding yours, which I’d replied to.

Yeah, you don’t. You just have to stalk those uvs bro


Wait, it’s a bug that you are able to post even if unsubscribed? Well darn, I was hoping that they decided to show mercy and let people post as they wish even if unsubscribed.

Oh well, an observation: My Hunter in Destiny 2 looks absolutely dapper with his adamantite paintjob and purple stripe on his forehead (Plus purple eyes and mouth lights).

And well… I guess it peeves me that I have to wait until December 12th for the good patch to drop. Must be patient I guess…

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My brain feels like a giant questionmark while looking at this. Less is more Blizz, smh

These new forums are not nice to look at. Egh.



Even with new forum our avatars are still in low-res and blurred.

Nooo why did you have to point it out? I hadn’t though to check it but now I will never unsee it (just like before). Oh well.

I’ll admit that I do like how it’s a bit easier to navigate posts now and the like, but aesthetically it really isn’t all that pleasant.

EDIT: I also notice it’s nowhere near as slow as the old forums were, which is nice.

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Pet peeve: this new forum is bad as it is but it is ruined even further with like 5 threads dedicated to discussing this forum layout. Just use one, alright? I get it, I don’t like forums being Twitter but Blizzard aren’t going to change anything, so why bother.
And if you’re not wanting these forums make a petition or something. We can still become the Chartists of the 21st Century.

I actually love this new forums it tickles my fancy in a good way its appealing to the eye cause its something i got used too browsing like Facebook for example it totally reminds me of it.Maybe you wont agree with me but Blizzard did a perfect job!.

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I have 17 posts in this thread.

Also, the thread didn’t scroll me to the bottom.

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:wolf: It scrolls you to where you last read as opposed to the bottom most of the time. :wolf:

Normal game peeve:
The emissary isn’t one I want most of the time. Give me more Proudmoore you swines! :pig2:

It didn’t even do that, it started me at the top of the thread.

Also, just noticed that there’s either a higher post limit or there isn’t one at all on threads.

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This is also happening to me. But I can see a white line on the blue scroll bar, is there where I was last?

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I think it is, except it lags horrendously when i try to drag down to it.

But this isn’t facebook.


A [Back] button should appear next to the line (it doesn’t always) normally cuts the crap from the situation, though yes, lag.