Pet peeves: The return (Part 2)

Every film is vastly improved when every character except one is replaced by muppets


im incredibly late but i’ve been doing a lot of stuff and also some things so i will be excusing myself for this one

my heart is still broken from it
(mainly because i finished a rewatch last night after taking my friend by the throat and demanding that he not only hand over his netflix, but also he sit and watch it with me)

the gayness fills my cold heart with warmth and it’s given me brainrot to a point that it and the show in general is all i ever want to talk about now

unfortunately however the true result is that i now just play lots of league of legends

okay i was already doing that anyway but my caitlyn winrate has SKYROCKETED since


this is a clever and subtle reference to what impact paul’s jihad will have, actually

Arcane season 2 will hopefully bring the best and most well-suited TV character, Vel’koz

EW Spoilers

Screw these Loporrits, they are grating.

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season 2 is a buddy-cop duo of vel’koz + bard, with a corgi-sized gentleman cho’gath as their faithful companion

i will be taking no further questions at this time


Bard as a cameo would be hilarious

“Wait, who are you?”

“[miscellaneous chime noises]”


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They have the power to give you immense tonal whiplash as they appear at the worst of times.

Gonna put this in spoiler tags just in case

They look like FF12 moogle rejects, whoever is voicing the leader sounds like Nanamo but way more annoying.

I hate their structures because I am so short, I barely make the jumps up the stairs.

I agree, this is tonal whiplash after having just faced down Zodiark. I don’t mind a bit of humour (FF’s filled with it) but still…

I’ve joked that Endwalker is 30% bigger because 30% of it is them wasting your time.

EW spoilers

Does feel like that yeah, since we’re obviously not taking a spaceship to a new star and are saving our current one, so why waste so much time with it?

I get the in universe logic of having a contingency plan, don’t get me wrong. Its just so much time wasted on something that isn’t going to amount to anything.

Added that its clearly them working with Sharlyan, so that mystery is solved.

I just want to go back to sassing Zenos, is that too much to ask?

EW Spoilers

Even if it is Zenos but u kno


Also like to anyone not finished with EW, I am literally on the last quest(s) soo my spoilers are BIG spoilers

I haven’t, I clicked that one by accident. But will not click more.

Finally got around to watching Hathaway’s Flash and man it is gorgeous.

I dunno if people who aren’t familiar with UC Gundam would get the same story stuff as people who are familiar, but visually it’s worth the price of admission (my time and nothing else :skull_and_crossbones: )

Coomers rise up


Yeah prob for the best hahaha

EW spoilers EW has been a very mixed bag for me and I came out of it saying it's... pretty good, not great. I feel like for everything interesting, there's something boring to follow.

Thavnair was fun and I enjoyed dealing with the Tower of Zot, especially since we’ve had towers lining the map for a while now.

Labyrinthos was terribly dry.

Garlemald was great.

The moon was fun up to Fandaniel, then it’s atrocious.

It starts picking up afterwards, fortunately.

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Yeah, that’s my current take on it as well. Also, the music isn’t doing it for me either. Its just background noise (don’t mind the battle theme though). Not going to turn off mount music when doing alts


Also, if I have to do another; “follow this person at a safe distance and don’t get caught” quest, i am going to flip a table.