Pet peeves: The return (Part 2)

Got around three or four hours into Halo Infinite’s campaign so far, and I’m super satisfied with it, despite the open world thing it feels very… Halo :relieved:

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how well does halo compare to quake (live), or maybe even doom (i am ignoring doom 2016 and onwards exists)

is multiplayer (and is it free?) fast paced and w/o the dumb gun mechanics of anything made in a post-counter strike era? is it an arena shooter?

Does that mean we also get to see Soraka?

Only OG LoL lorenerds will understand…

Also the speaker announcer thing in the train is broken so every 10 minutes we get an announcement from a robot from hell.

Capitalism breeds innovation.

I know nothing outside of Arcane, sorry :sweat_smile:

multiplayer yes, campaign no

no dumb counter strike-y recoil pattern mechanics

sort of arena shooter sort of not - you can only carry two weapons but pick up new cool ones over the map you’re playing on. there’s no armor/health pickups but you can pick up some abilities (like a dodge move, grappling hook, more shield, etc)

it’s slower - I’d say it’s still fairly fast paced, but reflexes aren’t as vital as they are in some other shooters, I’ve gotten shot at, turned around and killed my attackers quite a lot simply by virtue of being more accurate (or having a better weapon for the range we were at lol)

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Rare art peeve:

I dislike the art direction of WoW’s cartoon style where eyes on a 3d model have 2d textures fixed to them. The character is a walking cartoon in a 3d space but the textures made for it does not respect the format. The end result is that eyes have reflective lights in them from an outer source that isn’t there.

It’s extremely obvious with these cinematic sylvanas screenshots but a lingering issue with many character models, as though there’s sunlight right off to the side no matter the time of day.

Elves, undead and draenei are mostly spared due to their weird eyes but humans and creatures with human-like eyes like gnomes, orcs and so on can’t escape it.

This issue also applies to shadows that are just painted into the skin.

You can see this pretty clearly by giving RG Sylv ‘proper’ elf eyes.

What I wanna know is where did Sylv’s freckles from her Reforged model go


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The false light eye reflection is definitely a choice being made and it’s the wrong one.

I didn’t get into the community council thing. :frowning:

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I doubt many actual people of the community did. Streamers and influencers only. :money_mouth_face:

Is there a list to see who’s on it? So I can laugh.

I think there’s a welcome thread in the US forums. Seems like a plenty of ‘normal’ people got in.

However, the EU people who got in might not be able to access it yet since they allegedly need to level an US trial character up first and need to let Blizzard know that this is the character they want to post in the council on.

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good to see a lore nerd there

Telaryn seems to have not gotten in.

Yet more evidence Blizzard cannot be fixed. :pensive:

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Broke: Playing the Infinite campaign as a normal Halo campaign
Woke: Playing the Infinite campaign while pretending to be Spiderman.

40% grapple cooldown reduction is insanity and I am all here for it.


It’s so fun, I actually avoid using vehicles to just nyoom from tree to tree like some tribal Spider-man.

At least a few on the Council say they RP, even if not as much as us.
Doubt they’ll request RP additions though.

the grapple is easily the best addition to halo in a long long time

Gone is the era of the longbow in videogames
Now is the era of the grappling hook

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