Pet peeves: The return (Part 2)

I finished the MSQ yesterday, and damn did it keep me invested and focused the whole way through. There’s something about it that hits so much harder - in part because they make sure you become really invested in the cast of characters.



Hythlodaeus is an extremely cute twink. He and Emet-Selch make the cutest couple.


do you guys think blizzard played the “shadowlands is the end of chapter 1 of the warcraft story” because that is what endwalker is to ff14 and they wanted to jump on the train.

because we literally never heard of it until a few weeks ago and it came out of nowhere and makes no sense

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I will refer to this again for my thoughts on EW, Loras.

But yes. Couldn’t be happier.

I feel like I’m taking crazy pills because I’d rate EW as the worst expansion going solely off the .0 patches.

Yeah, Im massively hoping the current gen tech will allow for more ‘busy’ scenes (the trailer already showed Titus jogging behind a full Guard squad as a Chimera rolled overhead on a bridge, so fingers crossed!)

And at least Tyranids are ok for being copy-paste carbon copies! :joy:
The weight was present in motion, too. I just gope the Multiplayer, both PVP and PVE, are way more balanced. And no peer-to-peer, dear god!

That thought actually did come to my mind the other day, yeah

i can’t rationalise it any other way, even though it seems really dumb and unfathomable

My very unreasonable request for Space Marine 2 is that you don’t play a Space Marine at all and instead you’re Commander Farsight in an XV22 battlesuit

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EW spoilers in reply to the spoilers

Emet-Selch is your estranged dad and Hythlodaeus is his eccentric “friend” and nobody can say otherwise. They have the old married couple energy and I’m loving it.

More spoilers don't look noobs

They’re more like your gay uncles, given that the WoL is the Source’s current reflection of a sundered Azem. Or well, you’re two reflections given that you did the Fusion Dance with Ardbert.

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Spoilered just in case

Eight reflections, remember the Rejoinings.

they didn’t do the fusion dance so i don’t count them


Yeah, but I like the estranged dad approach bc Emet-Selch just has that energy to him.
Like a dadfriend.

Meanwhile my DRG glam has been met with mixed reactions from the FC boys, they love it at first but then I turn around and they run.

Linked like that for the surprise element :smirk:

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Live action cowboy bebop was canceled and not a single person was surprised.

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Space Marine 2 peeve is that we’re ultra :zzz: rines again


Are we still following Captain Titration? thought he’d be Deathwatch by game 2

Really enjoying the reworked arcanist, but now that I’m doing the quests, K’lyhia’s tendency to specify the probability of everything as a precise number annoys me as heck.

It’s the Hollywood portrayal of smart people. Real smart people don’t do that.