I have always been delegated “12-year old boy” by strangers in pugs.
Only twice have I been called otherwise, being upgraded to a 13-year old or “You sound like someone who could grow an epic beard” and god I wish the latter was true
I don’t even get that.
Probably because they’re waiting for a; “I screwed ya mum” out of me.
Or a “U wot m8?”
Cursed youth.
I’ve had my first death as DRG but not because of animationlock just me being too eager to move back in and getting 1-shot by some AoE.
8/10 will wait for animationlock to end me someday
I don’t talk enough in voice for people to comment on my voice much but one time some very smart people tried to make fun of me for “sounding like a young boy”. Tbh their teamspeak server was just terrible and everyone sounded mostly the same.
Maybe I should ask friends who heard me talk about voice
VC was kind of mandatory for pugging some Mythic (Old HC) content, so sadly had to endure it from strangers every so often.
Meanwhile my guild had one guy in HFC who thought I was a 40-something year old as I apparently acted as such, despite being half that age at the time.
People are weird.
I did all my hc/mythic raiding in guild groups with only the occasional random. Another friend is also on the “usually doesn’t talk much in VC” group and sometimes even back then we just stayed muted because not every fight actually needs VC unless you’re the raid leader.
And yeah, people are weird. 40-year-old-teen Aldru is the headcanon now though.
These altruns with some friends, as a tank I kind of had to be chatty to communicate with the other tank.
Mainraids I was mostly quiet, simply on the fact I am a massive introvert (which has gotten better over time) and as a DPS I don’t really have anything important to say
Nooooo- that was 6 or 7 years ago now as well
Nothing quite like being called; “Croissant” over VC because the dude didn’t know how to pronounce “Croecell”
What’s your Loporrit name?
I’m Dabbingway.
Did a quest bc I was 4k exp off of a level, a dragoon had fallen off of a cliff and I feel like that is just the most dragoon thing to happen
The lvl 45 DRG jobquest is super hillarious because it made me feel like Estinien is chastising me for being a starbucks employee and also my buttcheeks are showing in half the cutscene shots.
I love this glam
The marines in Halo are either no help at all, or utterly lethal. There is no in-between.
Just had one sniped out of the back of a Hog by a Brute ‘sniper’ i.e. skewered. So frustrating fighting them without a good long range weapon…
Yet before that, I was rocking around with the ‘Doom Razorback’. In other words, me (heavily armed) and a troop-carrier Hog full of four marines; x3 sniper rifles, x1 rocket launcher.
Stuff melted. They were bringing down Dropships.
Hilariously, they also did that from atop a huge cliff; I had to jump down to get a bunch of captured marines, so sadly had to leave the Doom crew behind. I was surprised when stuff started dropping dead at extreme range. Shame they couldn’t have ODST jetpacks or something, then they could at least come down with me heh.
You’re only 25? I thought you were older because I didn’t act this mature when I was that age!
I remember the times of immortal Nokia’s and Blackberry phones with more tiny buttons than the hairs on one’s head . . . the times of the Playstation 1 and 2 . . . the time of burning CD-ROMs . . . Worlo Worcraft cinematics and ads on television . . . MTV playing music on television . . . playing outside with your friends . . . moments all lost to time . . .
25 is halfway to 50!
What do I have?
True, back when I was good, a headshot streak was as regular as breakfast. Best way to start your day.
Ew. The “r u a girl” crowd can go take a long bath.
I am back.
Grinding is hard.
I want to gear up.