Pet peeves: The return (Part 2)

Just tiresome.

its even making the dog tired;


Not quite 90 yet but I do love this set


hips donā€™t lie

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Hemingway, storytelling loporrit.

Elezen DRG is the patrician choice.

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Basic Andy

donā€™t reinvent the wheel sweaty :nail_care:

In this FC House we stan Alberic the Hyur DRG

I made a little meme, a small jest, a touch of the old jovial jape, if you will

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Pls make it stop.

Canā€™t wait for this platform to attract crazy investor money only to support like 4 :poop:-y MLM crypto games 3 of which will die within a year

while Iā€™ve been doing my silly little 5e-WoW item conversion thing I keep thinking about WC3 and going ā€œman I should play that againā€ but then itā€™s bad now soā€¦ :frowning:

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It donā€™t need to be, landlubber! Yarrrrrrr! :pirate_flag:


Mhmmm firmament paid off

Been really funny watching the popularity pages change on the Final Fantasy Wiki has people finish Endwalker

EW Spoilers

Azem and Emet-Selch have been popular since the end of Shadowbringers, but watching the Fandaniel and now Amon pages rise in popularity is funny.

I did not need to be cursed with the knowledge that this is becoming a thing.

So hereā€™s a peeve about fiction in general. Despite my unashamed love for characters like Daniel Jackson and Liara Tā€™Soni, it worries me how fringe scientific theories are commonly portrayed.

What should we expect if we hear that a lone scientist proposed a bold revolutionary theory that was rejected by mainstream science?

In real life, the most likely cause is that the scientist is a crank (often a conspiracy theorist, or having delusions of grandeur, or a persecution complex, or all three), and the theory is either easily falsifiable (like ā€œproofsā€ of squaring the circle or alleged elementary proofs of Fermatā€™s last theorem), or so incomprehensible that it makes no testable claims and doesnā€™t even qualify as a theory (like Time Cube).

In fictionland, the most likely cause is that the scientist is a genius, the theory is obviously right, and the mainstream scientists are either old farts blind to the truth, or an outright conspiracy to suppress said truth.

With portrayal like this, is it any wonder that people are primed to believe anything, and think that the more outlandish a sciency-sounding claim is, the more likely it is to be true?


Imagining an AU Mass Effect 2 where the Council were right, the ā€œā€ā€œReapersā€ā€œā€ (an immortal race of sentient starships allegedly waiting in dark space) actually were just made up, Sovereign was a geth ship all along, and both Saren+Shepard got epic pranked by the lightbulb robots.


The most unrealistic thing about Daniel Jackson is how unbelievably ripped he gets as the series progresses but no one comments on it.

Would make the ending of Arrival especially dark if Shepherd does what they do because they strongly believe in the reaper threat when there isnā€™t actually one at all.