This thread has now been temporarily colonized by the Total War: Warhammer players among us.
No peace, just…
This thread has now been temporarily colonized by the Total War: Warhammer players among us.
No peace, just…
The Empire is an uninteresting faction that feels like NPCs.
Bring it on.
Edit: I also love fighting them, because they deploy large enough numbers that you can get huuuge kill counts, but they are not so chaffy that said kill counts become meaningless (looking at you, Skaven).
I had an unopened Symphony of The Night that would earn some good bucks. My mother threw it away for some bizarre reason. Great game too. I know it’s a default on any BEST PS1 GAMES EVER list, but it’s still really fun.
In single player FF news; Did in Gilgamesh, got the Genji Armour!
I never played it during the PS1 era but did pick it up digital-only on the 360 and had a great time 200.6%-ing it. Not sure if it’s my favourite Castlevania game (that probably goes to either Aria or Dawn of Sorrow - love soul collecting) but it’s definitely up there as a great game.
Also no, forum, I will not consider replying to other people.
They do love cereal.
don’t ever talk to me if your favorite factions aren’t chaos dwarfs or tomb kings
I don’t understand the people who play nothing but empire. Versatility, sure but you have so many interesting options.
HFY is a brain disease.
Also tends to have disturbing overlap with various forms of chauvinism IRL, for fairly obvious reasons.
What does this mean?
have a cry lol
In Warhammer for example, many Imperial Guard players tend to be obnoxious HFY stans (you will usually recognise them by them mocking marine players as ‘kids’ or xenos players for basically anything really).
I nod in approval as I look at the size of your ginormous brain.
One of the big reasons I like them is because they are the only dwarf race in existence in pretty much any fantasy universe that isn’t just:
drinks ale
mines ore
I mean yeah they’re irredeemably evil as a faction, but are the normal Dwarfs any better where they’d raise an Imperial settlement to the ground if the local elector count underpaid them by 1 copper?
and chorfs + tomb kings have the best aesthetics, maybe vampire counts too, but I’d like vampire counts a bit more perhaps if manlet von baldstein didn’t exist and if there were more ways to play them other than
Anyway this is now a Warhammer thread, people who still play WoW and mald about people playing and posting about other games may freely continue to do so.
Don’t like pointy hats.
I’m a standard dwarf kinda guy. (Ungrim 4 lyf)
Pay or get grudged on.
It is brave of you to confess having bad taste
from which hellhole planet did you come from
The invisible mobs in DS2 don’t know how to handle a cleric with poise.