Got my 3rd stab earlier.
The trick to getting a walk-in booster is clearly waiting until the weather isn’t The Worst, but is also grey and mizzly, so most people stay away
That said, the road was heaving. Clearly people desperate for last minute shopping. Haha, the fools in their metal bawkses.
-Returns to bunkering down like a hermit for a week-
Good thing that the game offers both in spades. In fact, the typical boobplates are a minority among heavy armors (tanks/dragoon).
Imo, there is nothing wrong with skimpy armor, provided the game offers alternatives too, so that everyone could wear their preferred style. I personally have a pretty skimpy valkyrie style for my paladin, but for warrior I have prepared a traditional heavy set.
The armors that suddenly become skimpy on fem characters are a weird game design and I would rather skimpy and non skimpy look were spearate items and didn’t switch with gender.
The more options - the better, is how I look at it and as much as I’m tired of seeing the same skimpy combination being used (eg. 2b leggings + hempen chest/leather jacket), I wont judge the player.
Looking at you, dragoon.
Like what on earth is that level 50 set? Who thought that was a good idea?
I actually don’t really like this combo myself (as somebody who uses 2B leggings a lot) also don’t like the 2B leggings with the 2B dress. Normally find a different pair of pants to go with the dress.
Yeah there is no reason for that huge exposed part at the belly to be there. Reminds me of the ebon blade armor in wow.
Me neither. Not only is it basically the black mageweave of ffxiv, but it also doesn’t look that good. I could use it if the color swap was different when you dye it, because you could actually make a Major Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell cosplay like that, but as it is now, it wouldn’t really work.
How would you have it dye to do that? Is it the tights?
Here’s my use of them;
Was more talking about the leather jacket combined with 2b leggings (these leggings specifically because they have the highest waistline, essentially forming a one piece with the top underneath the jacket.)
You can’t have this color combination of the jacket and the top underneath as if you dye it, they will both be different shades of the same color.
If there’s one thing I really appreciate about the game it’s that most gear still looks cool on lalas. I don’t have that Gnome issue of my gear looking like it shrunk in the washing machine.
2B leggings worked great for my Sumi Persona 5 RDM costume.
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I mean, no, you can’t get the exact purple, but it’ll still come out purple (I used pastel to try it)
Also GitS is one of the few anime where I have seen multiple series, so I knew who you were talking about.
I’d keep the boots but try the bridesmaid’s tights personally.
Wasn’t close enough for my taste, unfortunately.
It’s this jacket I was talking about btw.
Big agree here. 2b underwear is too narrow.
I know;
say hello to unhappy Leo because I couldn’t be bothered to swap back to Schade
Also you don’t see the top of the bridesmaid’s tights out of the 2B boots (knows because I use that combo on my highlander often)
EDIT: proof
I usually wear my faerie outfit, but when I’m too low level for the appropriate weapons I go with
Inspired by
Also queues are not 2k this time of day!
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Huh, has it always been like this? I could have sworn the colors didn’t match when I tried it half a year ago. I stand corrected then. Not an exact match, but close enough.
I am personally very surprised that I only have 275 people in queue, guess holidays are to blame for better or for worse depending on who you are.
As far as i know, yeah.
That’s pastel purple by the way.
They may have done something to the servers because today is also the day I got my 2 extra weeks free.
They did say they were working on fixing some of the issues with congregation and all that, so perhaps.
Also another thing I noticed about the 2B legs, they also flatten the front on both models.
Not only am I robbed of a dummy thicc booty if I wear them, they also flatten the rest. I’ll stick to brides maid tights for now.
Not a peeve: Hades is the first video game to win a Hugo award (under their new video game category). Well deserved.
Beat out: Animal Crossing, FF7R, Spiritfarer (a worthy contender tbh), TLOU2 and Blaseball.