zooms into that picture
Jesus Christ i wish I hadn’t now.
zooms into that picture
Jesus Christ i wish I hadn’t now.
Of course, the point is that Twitter will make you misunderstand because you don’t have the time, emotional bandwith, or whatever to actually digest 30-90 minute videos, and this sounds snappy but that’s very often also the actual reasons. I also wouldn’t want to spend half an hour on trying to digest Ben Shartiro if someone told me that somewhere there was a good point made.
But in this case also, I feel like all of the tweets are also ripped out of context, and with the first
I also feel like, there’s a great deal of context missing, as her thought seems incomplete and I’m waiting for her elaboration on why that account of gender is ‘pretty weak’. And because Twitter is a hellhole I can’t seem to navigate out of boomerness, thus I can’t actually find those tweets myself and see what was the context around them, I’d be wary of ascribing any sort of bad faith to her when in the third tweet, the following video (seems to be Pronouns pretty sure) does answer a lot of your concerns and is pretty good.
And this is also examined in the video. So it does feel like if you only rely on Twitter, you’re going to misunderstand and then carve out a false image of the person as well. Pretty sure similar happened to Lindsay Ellis’s Raya and Avatar thing - even though the same jokes have been made by a ton of people (and could it be, that the men making those jokes didn’t get cancelled and the root of it might be something else? )
I don’t get it either.
That’s because most of them have been deleted - you will have to trust me when I say that I saw most of these tweets as or just after they were sent and the context does not help.
or don’t i’m not your dad
Yeah, so I’m mostly going to refer to the videos for the context of her actual thoughts. Of course, people lie and whatnot whatyes, but Twitter especially is just a cumbersome way of articulating what you mean and might’ve been the case.
(If the rest of the tweets are deleted, then might be because she misworded/doesn’t stand by them anyway, no?)
I intensely regret getting into this conversation so I am just going to link to this dude’s thread which I nearly entirely agree with and then go play xbox
It better not be Halo.
i can’t pause the game DAD it’s ONLINE
related peeve: boomers not understanding online games but are perfectly capable of making the same argument about any tv shows they’re watching live
I don’t know a ton about them but I’m pretty sure they did some media coverage on YouTube. The only videos of hers I’ve seen were covering some crazy lady who tried to sue anyone else writing their brand of cringe furry smut.
and I watched the follow up video where the lady’s lawyer threatened to sue.
Worst part is it’s not even proper furry it’s just pseudoscience from wolves in captivity based on studies by some 1930s germans if you get my drift.
Then people decided “I can write some erotica out of this” and then this lady tried to claim the whole genre.
It’s wild, 11/10 will rewatch at some point
Film reviewer with an academic background, started as the Nostalgia Chick on Channel Awesome (the one with Doug Walker as the Nostalgia Critic) before moving away from it.
As cringe as I find the genre to be I am very glad a big creator covered it given that Cain was straight up lawyering up against small creators who couldn’t even hope to fight back. (I seem to remember her wanting to sue a 14 year old?)
What a trout of a woman.
I did enjoy the part where she made a huge deal about a case being dismissed with prejudice even though that’s the norm.
Non-WoW related peeve. I’ve been slowly starting to play some Dead by Daylight as it was free to pick up before christmas/a while ago. Not had alot of games yet on it, but I heard about it before and seemed fun.
And it is kinda fun, but the peeve is that I’ve noticed more and more that it has a very toxic playerbase. I’ve tried to play a bit of Killer, and it seems like a large portion of the survivors are, well, toxic.
Very often abuse, insults and slurs in the postgame chat. Regardless of how the match went. Got no kills? Taunted for sucking. Get some kills, still taunted for sucking/get insulted. Kill everyone? Same deal.
Managed to play two games earlier today too and both were really horrible. First one had a survivor playing the guy from Left 4 Dead, fully stocked out with perks to be as annoying as possible as well as a high-ranked flashlight with high-ranked addons. Ran around half the match deliberately finding me and spam-clicking the flashlight in my eyes to blind me as often as possible, and when I picked up another survivor he ran up several times to body-block my path and just kept doing things like that over and over.
So had enough eventually, managed to get him down, take him to a hook and stood and waited until he died. Got called every slur under the sun in post-game chat by him afterwards.
Then immediately the following game I ran into 4 premades who did the same thing, except with another character(all played the same one, all had flashlights. Didnt do generators and just ran around spamclicking). Eventually started to get them down, and did the same thing there. Got called a number of vile things in post-game chat for it.
I’ve seen people troll with flashlights before alot(and people complain about it) but not been this bad before.
Shame, because the game itself so far seems pretty fun otherwise.
Could say he got what he deserved.
I have also camped hooks before, except I was Hag and i trapped around the hook, walked away and waited.
I’ve started to adopt the mentality that if they are playing the game properly/being sportsmanlike, I will hook them and then run off to find the others/give a fair chance.
If they are being generally annoying(alot of circling, constantly running up over and over) I will stay close.
If they are straight up toxic, I will focus down that player and stand and watch them 100% of the time.
Also I was playing the priestess one, the plague?
That’s her, yes!
She is pretty fun so far!
I’ve also played a bit of Huntress, Pyramid Head and the K-pop guy.