Pet peeves: The return (Part 2)


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Wood elf, high elf and dark elf.


unless there’s some trick to the marketplace that i’m not aware of, I could only ever buy stacks of 99 fruits, or have to buy them in odd amounts for a much higher price per fruit

Did you use universalis? Prices vary wildly between worlds, they’re often sold much cheaper elsewhere.

Universalis is basically a strict necessity for housing, it’s saved me millions.

I tap the sign again

but thank you, that will help a lot

Eh, I really see absolutely no reason to be upset about it. It’s one quick google away, calling it even the mildest inconvenience feels like an exaggeration.

I’d rather they work on something a website can’t easily and fully replicate.

I live to Google things I could probably find out in game if I checked properly, but I’m lazy. It’s what Google and phones are for.


That and its partner in crime, the stuffed alpha.

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People using “as a parent” to preface stupid claims and statements really grinds my gears. Your conspiracy theories and/or entitlement is not more valid just because you managed to breed. Or adopt, whatever.

Parenthood is not a shield from criticism.

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At least I can desynth alpha, which occasionally turns into a nice demimateria for selling off.

Bom Boko is the worst. Just the worst. I’d legitimately rather get a water crystal than it.

I think WoW’s reliance on third party sites to make it playable at all has damaged us to even consider this acceptable game design.


just a billion dollar company outsourcing UX to random nerds who do it for free

I raise you my FC chest with what my retainers have brought back

I’m not upset about it (please don’t print in the newspaper that I got mad) but it’s a consistent problem with 14 - not necessarily that there are external websites for things like good rotations, but the amount of things the game does not tell you so you wouldn’t even know to Google them to know better - or when you’ve received good advice when you have Googled it.

because I did google how to change chocobo colour and the website I read on it gave me a list of ingredients but not the correct order, and I’d have no way of knowing that you can swap worlds to change prices at the market board without someone specifically telling me

but also the class rotation thing. getting two hotbars of abilities dumped on you with a new Job and barely any indication of when to use any of them is terrible and given there’s already a mechanic in place that could be used to let you get used to the controls (the Duty you do to unlock the job in the first place) it could be a lot better

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Beside FFXIV:

We have Warhammer Hype!


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dawn of the third day

(14 days remain)

FFXIV peeve, people deciding to sit right next to or ontop of you to craft while you craft and there is nobody around you.

Just for an introduction/tutorial/special mini campaign if I recall correctly, no?

No, you can unlock him both in the campaign either as Katarin or Kostaltyn and then use him in his own seperate campaign once you as Kislev!