I’m from the western United States!
Sadly I don’t actually have what I need for home made Cinammon rolls so I might just take some croissant dough and fake it or just go buy some premade stuff. Just a weird craving.
Like seriously who just has whole milk
I’m technically correct as hawai’i is the most westiest of western US states.
I have one comment regarding WH3…
You know I’m not really sure if Hawaii counts? Memory serves that, even if it is classified as a state, I believe it’s a territory of the united states like Puerto Rico. I’m not actually completely sure if it has confederated into the United States officially.
Edit: It has nearly 110 years ago why did I not know this
I’m also planning on modding as soon as possible so I can play as dwarfs…
It does, as it’s a state.
yeah whoops
I ended up just ordering a cinnamon roll from a local business.
The hurdy gurdy is a cool instrument and I wish buying one wouldn’t run me like $1,500
Look at this dude go.
Do you ever look at your characters on the forum and is like:
I wish I chose a different forum main… but I have posted to much to change now.
My primary alliance char (I don’t even want to attempt to grasp the night elves right now (especially not my HARD CORE night elf loyalist) ) plays a Gurdy and I think it amusing when people think it’s some bizarre fantasy instrument.
It’s funny.
Not really, no.
My purple helmet is pretty much iconic to me, more than my race.
I don’t consider my race to be the icon of who I am, but who am I to mind control others into perceiving me as I want to be seen?
I more meant that people recognise me by my helmet first.
You are not wrong.
that helm is basically your face.
I feel like it’s pretty easy to get a grasp of most jobs and what you’re supposed to do if you just read the tooltips and can put two and two together
I don’t think that’s too much to ask from the player
Reading? in a final fantasy game? unheard of!
the difference between ‘I have a couple of abilities and as I level up I get more and see how they fit in the rotation’ and ‘here are 24 abilities assigned randomly on your toolbar, off you go’ is incredibly obvious : /
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For me the realization about FFXIV hit me as it made me realize you were supposed to intuit that you were meant to cast Combustion as fire mage during a cast for optimal DPS for Fire Mage…
Hurdy gurdy are cool, even if their english name is weird.