Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

The monkey paw curls.

You become the elf mount for the spider-drows in particular. The driders.

And all of their spider elves.

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I googled it.

The Gamer Tribe™ must be burned to the ground and the earth salted.


why are you the way that you are


Because of crippling anxiety and abandonment issues.

(It’s also just fun to be a gremlin towards you sometimes)


this is targeted harassment. i have never once wronged you, probably



That you do not even remember says it all…

look i’ve wronged a lot of people in a lot of ways, i can’t keep track of it all that’s just not reasonable

Actually, it was stairshed who hired me to bully you for kicking of their mountain dew drinking fountain.

there was, but it was killed a long time ago (in a galaxy, far, far away).

however there are private servers for star wars galaxies, it is an old game however so it won’t look anywhere near as good as outlaws does.

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he did what


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but their not the hateful ones or the problem ofc.

i sure love knowing these people are so vocal on this server

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I remember it well. My first MMO.

I only came to WoW after they executed it with the Obi Wan expansion

A Draenei per chance?


Wait yes.

EDIT: Yes, I confused them due to the armor. Lightforged Paladin. I thought they were human.

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sigh Darnit, then I probably know who it is. Cro already showed me some stuff as well…


If Cro showed you, then yes it is very likely the same person.

Started playing Tyrion Cuthbert: Attorney of the Arcane, which wears its influences (Phoenix Wright, D&D) extremely blatantly on its sleeve.

As far as budget fantasy Phoenix Wright goes it’s pretty entertaining, and it gives that little thrill when a character says something and you get to go :point_up::nerd: actually that’s not how that spell works.

It does still fall victim to the same issue where you can conclusively prove your client isn’t the murderer and then the Judge is like “well now you have to prove who it is otherwise too bad so sad” and like…that ain’t my job!!!

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Also just read your post in the other forumthread so yeah, we’re definetly talking the same person.

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I can always drop you in the loop when we find another.

I have started telling other peevers when there’s a particular phobe on the gen forums who then crawls back here like nothing happened.

its then up to them what they do with this information.


Concord flopped so hard that they are closing it on the 6th and refunding all purchases. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it for a live service. Suicide Squad for example I believe is still live and Concord only released like a week ago.

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