Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

We’re garbage people who apparently don’t RP or play.
I’ve never quit or stopped RPing (I do less as I have less time now) but there we are. Haters gonna hate, and quietly bad mouth you where it’s rarely seen.
Truly sad.


Tbh, in their eyes we’re bad simply for being forumites, especially those with a high postcount. Even if I too gladly rp, even got to rp out the fall of Dalaran IC last few nights!

Complicated, I suppose, I’ve said before but I left in…mid-2022? Awhile before things got objectively a lot worse and some people went mask-off and were subsequently smote down for it. But I just consider edgy teenage 4channers less of a genuine threat than an actually publicised PDF File Ring, even if they both can lead to the same pipeline.

: ( I’ve always been honest there’s issues!!! I just don’t want to have to keep posting it as a note in every PCU-adjacent post I make I’m a lazy man have mercy :pensive:

Would honestly argue upwards of 70% of the community did not even check nor were aware of much that went on OOC in the community. There was a massive majority of quiet RP-loggers whose only existence in the community was association by guild and all they would do is log on to RP with their guild then log off to sleep, rinse and repeat.

I think a lot of people often forget how massive that majority was sometimes, even if, as you say, the 4chan crowd of 7 people was obnoxiously loud and also hated by the vast majority anyways but that’s another mine of comedy gold.

I didn’t even get mentioned in the top 10 pet peevers smh. :pensive::fist:

You need to up your post count smh

Time to become a pest, Nerathion. They haven’t mentioned me either.

'cause you’re too nice. Like smh. not a bad post yet… Yet.


Being in somebody’s forums rogues gallery is kinda funny but not really worth much discussion. More invested in safeguarding the galaxy from the sith/jedi at the moment (depending on which character I’m levelling at any given time).

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Safeguard it from them both their all mongs

Aww, thanks Vax, that’s real kind of you :slight_smile:

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In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic, you are under arrest for such hate!

Your post count is higher than Des too.
You clearly stink.


I had 3 hit pieces on me in a row and was ranked 1st place.

I’m clearly our Queen!


I didn’t vote for you.

A peeve while I’m here, the Earthen sets are only in blue. I wanted green!

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You don’t vote for Queens.

I love coming back from a night out to find I’ve been posted about by the weirdo blog.

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My peeve is AAAGGHH

So I have two cats. We lock them in the dining room with their beds and food and water for the night, every night. They’re fine with this. Until last night. Benji has decided THAT’S NOT GOOD ENOUGH! So he’s been opening the door. It’s not got a lock but jams really hard. He somehow opened it last night. He opened it again tonight, came up to me, wanted petting, then decided to bite me to death (His way of playing he never learned to not do). So I put him back in the room.

I can hear the door breaking open again.

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TFW tehya, who has been radio silent for a while (miss you bud x), gets mentioned before you

I am no longer the Supreme Token Gay brothers :pensive:


They’re still around, just using a different toon, though indeed far less posting than usual.

In another topic, I found a way to bend the new human racial to suit my needs. So while it’s darkmoon faire, if my buff runs out, I hearth back to Dornagal, quickly go to SW and then the DMF, grab the buff, hearth back to Dornagal, go back to where I was, continue questing.

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They’re Swordmaster.

Oh just read the post. That guy really should get a life i think