Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

It was a typo :frowning:

Which one? There are like four events called the war in heaven

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Hiccups augh

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Accurate hiccup sound.

Also I’ve definitely said this elsewhere but when I get the hiccups (which used to be pretty often because I’d just forget how to breathe sometimes), my dog retreats to the other side of the house and starts trembling in fear.

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Speak yourself, I had a blast when it was current content. Granted I was biased because I was maining Hunter at the time for all the challenge tames, but it was also pretty cool do see the server progression and whatnot. Naturally, doing it now is probably tedious (I have no idea what it’d look like), but seeing the actual story progress with your server contributions or w/e really felt impactful.

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Traveling through Darkshore IC is still a “pick your poison” endeavor: either it gets controlled by the other faction at the most inconvenient times, or you have to pretend there are bridges.


For the dailies and things? Same old, but solo.

For the rares? F 15 min server resets if nobody is in the zone.

EDIT: I have resigned myself today to AFK camp out 3 of the rares. I have one already.

My PC takes an epoch to ‘Loading Resources’ on Space Marine 2.
And I can’t even get through the intro cinematic.
On Ultra Performance.

-throws table at the wall-
I hate technology. I hate how UN-FUTURE PROOF everything is. I hate how much it costs, and how I should have just got the DAMN console version so I could play the DAMN game…

Fine. Guess I’m learning how to rip the guts out of a stupid desktop, then… At least it might increase my out-dated storage, and make Darktide not take an eon to load either. Heck sakes…

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Look at it this way: you can either spend money on upgrading your computer, or you can spend money on a gimped computer that could have worked as a general-purpose computer, but was artificially restricted by its manufacturer to prevent it from doing anything except playing overpriced games from the only distribution channel approved by the manufacturer.

From a software freedom perspective, the choice is obvious.

Apothcary Diaries mangaka has confirmed that her criminal tax evasion will NOT interrupt her work on the manga and it will continue unabated :pray:

Playing colossus warrior and using Demolish makes me think of this:

Ok, friends are troubleshooting for me and it seems that, uh, actually things might not be too bad?

The major response was confusion when it turns out my general specs are the same as theirs.
The “…Bruh” moment came with my storage/memory. Which is. Uh. Uuuuh look SSDs were expensive some years back, ok?!

Get a console and use that.

The only games I use a PC for are mmos and things like prison architect or stardew valley (which is a fantastic game, and is a game, I don’t care what people who think souls games are peak gaming think (they’re wrong on that too). Farming is fun).

Otherwise it’s console because it just works. PC gaming nowadays is such a hassle, I mean it always was but the older I get the less time I have for it all. Console, download, play, done.

PC? Download. Play. It didn’t work. Why not. Have fun spending the next 5 hours working out why and the next 6 after that fixing it.

Alright, I don’t mind a farming game every now and then. But that’s still your opinion.

in other news, I accidentally killed deth’tilac, I am too tired to be as angry as I feel.

If it was loading times, my hunch was that you had an HDD instead of an SSD, yes.

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I wish that were true. Unfortunately I am keenly reminded of when I downloaded Doom Eternal and trying to play single player prompted a “you need to register an account with our stupid Bethesda specific thing for no reason” response. More set up than I had to do for a whole bunch of PC games I’ve installed recently, even older ones.

For me, I used to play both console and pc hand-in-hand, but overtime I found that I just didn’t play console enough to justify getting one anymore. I still have my switch and my wii ( which also works as gamecube) , so oftentimes I can still boot up something if I want, but… pc gamer’s life for me, since I just use that far more often.

I do need to git better at actually putting parts in cause I dont dare take out my GPU to put in that m.2. ssd I still got lying around…

Why is there the crumbled remains of an Earthen outside of Goldshire…