Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

I just pronounce it as written. Du-er-gar.

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It’s Dwair-gar (or du-air-gar) but many people try for ‘dur-re-gar’ which pains me every time

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Tbh most BG3 people I’ve watched content from have had no issues with Duergar
It’s just… Omeluum
Always Omeluum…

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Charity walk complete. Honestly I coulda gone longer, but 2-3 of the people I was doing it with were really flagging at the end.

Say it again Tav…

Unfortunately this is MMOs - only way they keep MAUs up.

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Fighting through an island of magic to power a portal on the moon so we can head into the void and rescue a dragon

FF14 rules honestly

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We had to say goodbye to the bestest of boys today, I will miss you Caro but thank you for spending 12 of your 17years on earth with us. I will miss the stomach on 4 paws that is him


My condoleances , and I am sorry for your loss. It always hurts, and even if 17 is impressive for a good boy, it’s always too soon. But I am sure those 12 years with you were his best :slight_smile:


My back keeps twinging. Oh no. Is this old age finally settling in!?

I’m so sorry to hear that. Always remember the good things <3

it was one of my favourite dungeons aesthetically.

you have my deepest condolences :frowning:

So sorry for your loss.

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Im sorry for your loss. Big, big hugs sent.

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So is the pre event broken or something?

Countdown gets to 0 and then resets to 60 minutes.

God truly sending her strongest battles* to her bravest warriors fr fr

*a cold

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You sound like my dad (he also has a cold atm)

mommy hydalen knows her brave little spark can take it

Honestly? How does one little cat take up HALF OF THE BED?!



Cute cat but I also see a pumpkin pattern :eye:

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If christmas stuff can be put up early, then so can Halloween!

Its an oversized fleece hoodie for when it gets colder and yes, it is pumpkin patterned.


That sounds so freaking comfy and I want one.