Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

Regular Marston is fine and dandy, but overweight, greasy italiano Marston is my canon choice.

I once again mention that I distrust algorithms and preemptively block algorithmic recommendations.

Algorithms are impersonal and rigged by perpetrators of dark patterns. I only trust recommendations by people.

Tiefling spore druid doodle (roughly based on my BG3 Tiefling spore druid)

May he grease your head at all times


this has, and I mean this as high compliment, extreme dracthyr vibes

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But he’s just a little haste spore guy

And don’t remind me to go draw my Dracthyr… I have so many other things to draw…

Horns and pointed ears and a look of ‘are you sure you want to try that one, chief’ are our hallmarks, what can I say

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Watch one video critiscizing a tv-series!

Youtube: “Good afternoon, we saw you watched a video critiscizing a tv-series, here’s twenty more videos from ranting and raving US conservatives screeching about how woke is destroying every brand of media, with equally obnoxious comment sections!”

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Click-based internet economics are the bane of quality content. It makes these guys so damn loud.


Something is rotten with that anyhow, when a mf’er like Alex Jones can make millions by being a lying pest, even if he finally got sanctioned by a court. But there’s a ton more like him out there, most prominently the Supreme Musklord.

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“I don’t even know where you would find a Nick Cage cardboard cutout.”

“I mean, do you want one? Because I do know where to get a lifesized Nick Cage cardboard cutout”

Its their birthday this month and I already got them some Nick Cage themed stuff.


Things inside of WoW should be disallowed to share names with you irl.


My name is Inigo Montoya you killed my father prepare to die


But are you wearing the [Hat of Inigo Montoya you killed my father prepare to die]?

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Things in any game should not be allowed to use your dead name.



I have a stable job and cozy home, all conveniences, safety and freedom ­— both freedom to be myself and freedom to travel. Honestly, all I’m missing here is RL friends.

Also I miss the fantasy/LARP/countercultural community back in Russia, but they’ve been slowly dwindling anyway, leaving or going into hiding. Of those who remain, more are pro-war than I would like (I immediately unfriend people for the first Z-post they make, of course).

The Russian counterculture is getting scattered thin across countries they’ve migrated to.

I guess I now have access to Europe’s LARP communities, but how many of them are going to play in a language I understand? Since leaving, the only events I’ve visited so far have been the AD Helsinki meeting and Ropecon as part of that.


I’m familiar with a few of the bigger English/Irish LARP systems if you want to chat about them, sadly no fully Tolkien ones that I’m aware of but fantasy is certainly available

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…we have larp systems? huuuh

Yes! Five Oaths is the name, a lot of my friends from both Irelands go there and speak highly of it

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So, is the radiant echoes active all the time in dragonblight but swap on duskwallow and searing gorge every hour?

Sure, we can talk about it on Discord about it if you’d like!

It doesn’t have to be Tolkien, specifically. It just happened that the only LARP game I’ve attended in my life, shortly before leaving Russia, was for Middle-earth. I signed up for a Warcraft LARP game too (I was going to play Lintian, of course), but that one got canceled due to lack of players.

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