That’s my fantasy as well. I’m just forbidden to fantasize about me, and me alone, being bestowed with powers to achieve that dream.
So fantasizing about us all turned into Amaurotines is fine and it’s a very pleasant fantasy.
(And mind you, my brain did ponder what kind of primal I would summon into my body if I could do it like Ysayle, but of course I’m forbidden to post the answer, but if you lot knew the answer you’d go “well, duuuuh”)
Did you do the warring triad trial questline of Heavensward? the very first trial boss is Sephiroth. A nature/tree primal that was contained at the same time as Bahamut.
Who designed those bloody awful things, and then what psycho crammed them into MULTIPLE too-small boss arenas?!
Horrible. Awful. Atrocious design, terrible mechanics, WONKY hitboxes, absolute farce…
Why is it whenever I do co-op its a 50/50 whether I get actual lobotomites, yet when I do invasions its like going up against a spec ops team with the perfect toolkit to turn me to mince? -_-