Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

Was looking at NWN Enhanced Edition reviews and one dude has over 10000 hours in it. A quick calculator tells me that’s on average more than 4 hours a day, every day, since its release in 2018.

Gotta respect the grind.

Some of that is likely dedicated to wandering off to do other things and forgetting the PC is on.

RP server enthusiasts are part of what kept it going as a viable commercial product. Yes, people do play 4+ hours every day. We shouldn’t be surprised waddling around this old dinosaur game from 2004.

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Have a roadmap.

That’s partially what spiked my RDR2 hours into narnia on the PS4.


I think this laptop is screwed. Can’t run battlenet, can’t download it and reinstall it! Can’t run spotify. Can’t run razer program to program my mouse. HMMM.

Is cross RP broken at the moment?

Hard to say, even if it’s working properly you need other people to also be using it and you can’t have seen those people so recently that their name still shows up in the TRP directories.

My inclination is that it probably is working but might be having issues with everyone being on different versions of cross RP and TRP.

Elden Ring matchmaking/level ranges are so wonky. I just want to co-op/invade in dungeons at the right level, not be stuck with no summons/unpleasant ones ._.

Can you do the heritage quest on several different characters or is it locked in that one time? I forget.

I have more than one account.
I can’t see my tauren’s profile from my nelf and none of the people that tend to have it seem to be coming through.


Almost definitely not working then :frowning:

Is it because of the new TRP version that came out like yesterday?

I don’t think it was working all too well a few days back, but that may be me blending days together.

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Midges keep biting me, even while I’m wearing an anti-bug spray, UGH.

Can repeat those as often as you want to, did the belf one twice because I forgot there also is a polearm

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…isnt that one seperate from the actual heritage quest?
I remember heritage quest was a memorial march from the ghostlands to the sunwell, and there was a seperate questline about killing a San’layn harrassing tranquillien that was belf only with unique rewards depending on your class. With paladin getting the best of it with an armorset, mount and 2 polearms.

The laptop is screwed, or the OS?

I’m never sure if he’s actively trolling, trying to be a komedian, just generally gross or depressed from his mum dying.

Like it could be all of them to be fair but either way… ew.

Welp, first comp stomp I’ll be grinding for the hunter set for my Vulpera because that is perfect.

EDIT: And Nish (the vulp hunter0 is now 70, ready to recieve her new transmog when I hit max on Binx some point next week.