you won’t reach me by that method
if you have koralash or vixi on discord, one of them can give you my username
you won’t reach me by that method
if you have koralash or vixi on discord, one of them can give you my username
Haveing forced myself past that era… it does not improve.
It hard resets, but badly.
The only way swtor would be better was if they went back and allowed you to have same sex romances with the OG cast of characters.
Lana is really fun and she was a nice girlfriend/later wife to my OG sith warrior, but it would be nice with some more options.
Consular was a drag and I kept hoping it’d take a turn for the more interesting.
“lol” said the writers. “lmao even”
fine ill drive to your house and slip my discord on a piece of paper under your door
im glad at least they bothered to make some of the old companions same sex romances later in the story. Kira, Scourge, Doc, Nadia, Dorne, Jaesa, Vector, Corso, Quinn…
F to the fem- smuggler, BH and fem-agents… Akavi, Risha, Mako and Raina forever out of reach (i am not psycho enough for Kalliyo)
gtz to the monster enthusiats getting khem val tho
I had a hunch when I learned Arcann became a romance option. But I do appreciate the warning regardless!
Speaking of, I love/hate how the Horde Hero freeing Xal’atath makes the “you did what?! Never again!” exchange canon.
Just one of the world’s most powerful, well known people, war hero and saviour getting a bad dog bonk on the nose.
My constantly shifting list of class stories by how much I enjoyed them:
Oh my god, I just realised why I clicked with Agent so well.
I’ve worked Food Service and Retail.
i sometimes feel like one of the oddballs who liked that one
I like the vibe of it, I just didn’t find the story very entertaining. The fem VA is amazing though, really liked her.
It do be like that sometimes
Worked retail for a few months, got screamed at by a very intimidating man for daring to ask him for ID like I am legally required to do
I’ll be the weirdo who confesses to not liking agent. The VAs are amazing but I can never find any sense to act 3 in particular. It just… even in a universe of magic space wizards and every second person having a super weapon I just can’t buy that level of insanity.
My problem with Smuggler, and Agent which was saved harder by the story, was - I Do Not Like the mechanics they bolted onto the two.
Tab-target MMO is NOT the place to try and make a hamfisted cover shooter. Novel, but it did not work, IMO.
I’ve run out of likes so everyone can add a free one to my tab for the next couple of hours.
Pretty much same.
Stupid forum system…
Fem VA voices my favourite dunmer assassin tsundere waifu so no surprise I agree.
i love the underworld aspects of star wars so it does appeal to me a lot. like…getting to hatesex Skavak before you kill him is a very bold and particular story choice but sure.
thats why they all but removed cover in the world in later levels. its sole usage now is for some bloody reason casting your spammable aoe
Worked both as a cashier and in a bakery when I was younger.
You meet some…fun people when working retail.
It’s like sleeping with Benny in New Vegas before blowing his brains out.
Power move. Girlboss courier.
Black widow is fun.