Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

I see you
I get you
But I raise you: Mouth noises and popping every p they come across.

wouldn’t that fall under the umbrella of annoying voice

No, annoying voice is tone/cadence imo

stop overcomplicating it!!!

No >I I do what I want!

Today’s (new) pet peeve: BLYTHAN

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i don’t know what this means

it’s an undead priest thing, don’t worry kitten x

okay :heart:
yay :heart:


I finished Fallout London. Sided with the Arthurian cosplayers to institute true democracy. The twist was fairly obvious and I saw it coming, but I still liked it.

Companions were pretty decent. Keira was fun, Arthur was touching and compelling. It had a lot of cool and unique areas, there was clearly a great deal of care put into them. There were also a bunch of cool setpiece quests which I thought would’ve been beyond a fan creation but then they did it for realsies, so that was a nice surprise.

It was very good for a fanmade creation that is entirely free, with some 40-50 hours of gameplay. Still a bit buggy and needed console commands to fix a few quests, and it had a lot of “worthless” areas where there was nothing there other than a map marker and some trash to scavenge, so exploration often felt a little bit unrewarding to the extent that I just stopped doing it after a while. If you just stuck to doing quests you come across (or have a list to follow) I imagine it’d flow pretty well though.

I’m not sure if I just missed some quests for some of the ‘side’ factions but the Pistols especially seemed to go nowhere after I joined them. I guess it’s narratively appropriate for a bunch of punk anarchists to not actually do anything though.

The settlement system existing seemed kind of superfluous, and I think the number of settlements reflected it. I cleared the majority of the map with maybe a dozen or so markers unexplored, and I only had two settlements by the end of the game.

Overall? Well worth your time. If you own Fallout 4 and liked it and want a free game to play…you could do a lot worse than this, I’ll say that much.

Also Tenpenny shows up asking you to blow up the London Eye because he thinks its an eyesore, and I killed him. Enjoy your time paradox, Fallout 3.

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Confident perfectionist fencer is a good vibe.


Youtube is truly well and done. Search for a movie clip while not logged in, just the generic algorithm suggesting “related” things:




And watchmojo’s 6385th top 10…


This is part of the reason I prefer to get information in text form.

It particularly peeves me when I open YouTube to search for a specific video game cutscene, open it, and then “HEY GUYS…”


The generic algorithm forgot it’s no longer 2014 I guess.


Followed by parasocial introduction, urging to subscribe, ad read for a vpn, sponsorship or raid: shadow legends and then we’re onto 5 minutes of speculative vaugeness, 1,5 minutes of relevant information (maybe) and a 2 minute outro with another urging to subscribe and credits roll of patreon subscribers.


Forgot to time it exactly for youtube’s automated mid-vid ad play too. At least two unskippables, for your pleasure.


As someone who really enjoys movie reviews and discussions, I sadly have to prepare e myself that any new video I get recommended is likely gonna be full of misogyny and alt right nonsense.

Because its so much of it everywhere on youtube currently.


I love learning why Females and wokeism ruined [franchise], I really do. Usually delivered by some kvetching schlub who never heard of [franchise] until yesterday, mispronouncing names and trying to play off obvious ignorance as being disaffected and not really caring while the whole point is how much they care. Rise up, Western Man and grab your gamerfuel. Charge the barricades controller in hand and save civilization from itself. :roll_eyes:


It’s funny that these commentators decry anything woke when the maiority of these guys look like the soy nu-male bugmen they wail against

A long look in the mirror would - oh who am I kidding self reflection doesn’t exist these days


Why I pretty much just watch science videos and lorerunner. Though even with science videos you have to be careful not to full into the extensive rabbit hole of people spouting long words to make it sound like they know what they’re talking about, or genuinely successful scientists speaking cluelessly outside of their field. Lorerunners biggest issue is he often treats his opinion as a fact.

But both types avoid the “yo it’s your girl/boy/” followed by twenty minutes of “BUT TEH FANS SAY!”

I mean my fans never say anything. they just spin.
(bad joke, so sue me)