Elder scrolls is a weird setting as a certified elf lover because there are just so many of them
My favourite are orc elves, vengeance and smithing let’s go
Elder scrolls is a weird setting as a certified elf lover because there are just so many of them
My favourite are orc elves, vengeance and smithing let’s go
Dwarf elves are the best elves.
Or left handed.
Or sea.
Or snow.
i love how three of your four favourites are extinct
im a bosmer enjoyer.
I believe in Dunmer supremacy, followed by Dwemer.
I don’t like the Altmer, but I HATE what ZoS did with them, really did them a massive disservice so I feel sorry for the Altmer enjoyers out there
I just play whatever I feel like at the time. I have no real attachment to one species in ES games over the others.
My favourite ES flavour of elf is Dunmer
They do sit below the furries and the scalies but not by far (especially when they do not give you the chicken leg option for khajiit and argonians, I hate the flat feet)
You know what kind of ingame time of day system I would like to see more? 12 hour cycles. So one irl day translates to two ingame days.
There’s a few snow elves hidden in bushes about the place.
I like the bosmer too.
Tbh, I enjoy most of the Elder Scrolls races.
I like bosmer and dunmer and argonians
Part of the fun of playing LOTRO is translating all the Sindarin names. Like realizing that the name of the dwarven city Gondamon (it’s in Sindarin because it was founded by elves) means Stonehill, or that the stable master in Celondim (Sad Stream) is called Horser-man, or that a quest giver is named Babbling Water.
Also, I was questing at level 11, carefully shooting stuff in Rath Teraig (goblins and spiders and milkeyes, oh my!), when suddenly a level 15 dwarf with an NPC bannerman ran in and started pulling absolutely everything. I helped him kill the monsters I needed for quests. Was nice.
I don’t know where to get a better bow, though. There are no bow vendors in Celondim, Duillond or Gondamon, as far as I could see. I can only hope there will be one as a quest reward.
There is a hunter’s cabin on the main road north west of Duillond. Im pretty sure those quests give a bow.
Also Celondim has a bowyer! Look for Edenithil
Don’t make me play it again. Don’t do that to me.
One of us, one of us.
Then I have to decide what dwarf I shall spawn.
Then be a dwarf.
And name a dwarf.
Trying to think what else to transfer over from my old PC to an external HDD. Unfortunately, I am very head empty. But also, there are some awkwardly hidden files since some folders have different icons and whatnot. Also, some of my game (save?)files are in OneDrive for some reason??? Not sure if I should or even can move them out of there, no wonder it’s been screaming about no space for ages.
I’m yet to see any walk-in RP on Arkenstone, in either Bree or Rivendell.
I checked Landroval, and there’s nobody in Bree either, despite this being supposedly their peak hours.
I suspect walk-in RP really is dead, and whatever RP is to be found is tied to guilds kinships.
This is a very old game, after all.
That is a shame to hear yeah Like I said, I have not been on the servers myself yet and only read and been told that their numbers are far better and healthier for both roleplay and content over Laurelin.
But like you said it is a very old-game, so it is possible that RP is now directly tied to kinships and probably discord or forum planned events.
It’s probably also worth considering that everything is relative. What’s healthy for LOTRO is probably ‘WHY IS THE COMMUNITY SO DEAD RAAAAA’ for WoW.
I swear I’ve seen people react like this on WoW more than once, and it’s always just been stuff like: “I logged on at 11 am server time on a weekday to look for roleplay in Redridge up by the gnoll camps. I saw NO ONE THERE! RP is truly dead!”
There’s a small eagle-like bird called “hendroval”, and I got a quest to “defeat hendrevail”. The correct Sindarin plural.
I’m home.
Some game-play suggestion/friendly tip as well!
If you ever get interested in the grind aspect of Lotro, Ered-Luin is generally considered the best place to farm Lotro points. Due to the nature of the zone, it is generally considered the fastest to clear on a new character if you’re simply there to speedrun deeds for the rewards. So with full focus on it, you can do most of the worthwhile deeds for about 90-100 lotro points in…about 1-2 hours. This can also be repeated endlessly on new characters, so that is a fairly popular way to grind up points for purchasing stuff, and something I’ve done more than once myself(I bought at least two expansions this way). Even as a grind I found it fairly relaxing to just play through the zone, clear deeds and enjoying some relaxing music and atmosphere of the world.
Even that part aside, I do really like Ered-Luin as a starting zone. The shire is gorgeous, but Ered-Luin really feels like wild and untamed nature and has a strange sense of beauty despite the more craggy and rocky landscape. And the quests are really well written and enjoyable, as is the exploration in the zone.