Pick an actor to play your character

I think this thread got lost when the old forums have been transferred into the new ones, but do yell at me if I’ve just missed it.

So, giving it a bit of a spin, the game is picking an actor for your character, but you may choose three.
One, for acting in a live action movie/series, one for doing voice over work in a fully animated show/video game and the third for an actor for face scanner (basically pick one for their looks, not talent and voice).
You may elaborate as much as you like.

To give an example, I’ll start off with Lyth.

LIve action: Keanu Reeves.
Now, the current “No, you’re breathtaking!” hype for the actor not withstanding, I think he’d be the best to pull Lyth off. He’d obviously need a lot of CGI or expensive makeup thrown on him because demon hunter, but otherwise, his way of speaking, his movements and the fact that his action scenes are usually amazing, if budget wasn’t a worry, I’d go straight to him.

Voice actor: Matt Ryan.
If he lowers his voice a little when speaking normally, then give it a bit of demon hunter-like growliness and make his shouting voice deeper and a tad more guttural, that’s pretty much how I imagine Lytherael to sound like.

Face capture: Ian Somerhalder
I gave this one quite a bit of thought and was going to go with Chris Hemsworth first, but then I was thinking, his face isn’t going to be shown a lot because of the blindfold, and I really like Ian Somerhalder’s eyebrows and how he uses them to show emotion. Which would, again, be amazing for a guy covering his eyes and cheeks most of the time.

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All 3 : arnold schwarzenegger

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Keanu Reeves is one of my favourite actors, his action scenes are genuinely epic.

But for the question

Live action: Charlize Theron, she can be real bad a$$ and has that agility to her movement I imagine my character has (and I think we can all agree on that she’s hot). Now my character is like 20 years younger but that can be fixed with CGI or something probably :woman_shrugging:t2:

Voice actor: Keira Knightley, because she has that annoying voice in a mix of light, posh and cocky, that resembles how I imagine Vix’s voice.

Face capture: Nathalie Portman. They’re actually very similar in face structure her and Vix :thinking:

Danny DeVito


Hmm… I’ll go for Patrick Stewart for all three. Unless we allow deep fakes; then I’ll pick Yul Brynner.

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Robby williems for both movies and voice over.
Because of his ability to change emotions matches mine.
You need someone able to go from threating to eat your souls and devour your childeren into kindness itself with a single second to match my charaters insanity.

Orlando bloom for face.
Because orlando bloom played legolas and legolas is the most populair elf around.

This is fun! Thanks for starting it, Lyth. These little thought experiments can help us to flesh out our characters. Here’s my Darkspear curmudgeon, Ral’rush.

This is written under the assumption that Rush would need to be CGI or a dude wearing animatronics. I have no problem if somebody else wants to give their troll human-like facial features, but for my guy, he’s a proper monster. His wife is, too.

Live action / motion capture - Vincent D’Onofrio

D’Onofrio suits Rush in so many ways, at least prior to the 2010s when he gained more weight. He was always a large man who’s somehow heavy yet gangly at the same time, a physique which shouldn’t even be possible. Although his acting in general is superb, his movement and body language are what I’m interested in here.

For an example, check out The Cell with Jennifer Lopez and Vince Vaughn in the year 2000. D’Onofrio plays a serial killer as well as the killer’s inner manifestations of his psyche. Manic, moody, and unstable. Also check out D’Onofrio as the villain in the first Men in Black in 1997; the deleted scene in particular is a great example of physical comedy from an otherwise monstrous character.

Voice - Ron Perlman

Ron Perlman is the missing link. He actually played a caveman in an 80s film which is ironic because I think he might be one. His voice is absurdly deep, yet the man has done so many different cartoon voiceovers that you’d be surprised at his range.

I imagine Rush as having an accent from Bermuda rather than Jamaica; Bermudans have less British and Irish influence on their English, so incidentally it may be easier to imagine Perlman speaking in such a manner.

Face - Ron Perlman

This is where I was really torn for the reasons mentioned above. Commissioned art of Rush, as well as my own drawings, are usually based either on the dark troll warlord from Warcraft III: Reforged, or the axe throwers from Warcraft II. Both of them have heavy jaws and brows, similar to Perlman, but the man obviously lacks the carrot nose which the troll models have.

I could still see Perlman doing face captures due to his incredible transformations for Beauty and the Beast (the 80s tv show) and Hellboy. If a human could conceivably portray a Neanderthal elf with a sloping forehead, it would be Perlman.


He truly is magical.

Well, I forget the old thread but a suggestion made in the same spirit landed me Helena Bonham Carter for a live action movie. She has a talent for playing the quirky sort of lady with all the proper twists and the ageless sort of look that’d make a believable elf with some tweaks.

Cartoon VA is tricky but I’ve had a fondness for Grey deLisle since forever with her performances in hundreds of shows and regular spot in game voicework (Viconia DeVir, Azula, Nova to name a few that people might know). She pulls off the smoothness but also lightness that I attribute to this character’s voice. Something like her work with the bounty hunter in the old republic with a few affectations toward theatrical flair.

Motion capture model is extremely difficult to pin down but for now I’ll go with Christina Ricci since she has that convincingly pointy yet cheekboney elf face.


Probably Helena Bonham Carter; I can’t really imagine anyone else pulling off such a shrill and thoroughly unpleasant personality and still somehow make her likeable!

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Give Nikolaj Coster-Waldau ten years or so to age into his role of playing Roessler and we’re there.


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