Play a Death Knight in Wrath of the Lich King Classic™ Before 28/11 and Get a Mount in WoW®

haha yeah. also the death knight starting area, I was expecting it to have had an overhaul or something but it was so bad.

Anyone know if this is a limited time offer?

You don’t need the “whole” game because both Classic and Retail can be installed in the same folder to avoid installing duplicate files. In the case of WOTLk 2/3 of the game files are still in Retail, the files for zones and dungeons in Outland and Northrend. The other 1/3 of files are the old world files that are just about 5GB with is nothing compared with the 94GB of Retail installation files. We live in 2022, downloading 5GB even with a bad connection should take just a few minutes, if not seconds.

Got the mount a couple days ago, really cool. I love proto-drakes since WotLK so it was a nice gift and doing the original DK questline was also a nice nostalgia trip.


No-one’s been able to find an answer to that (unless something’s been said very recently). I did it a week or so ago just in case it was limited time.

I completed the questline handed in to the king in Stormwind but no mount? Any ideas why. Thanks

You get the mount in retail, not in classic. It should be in your collection tab (you have to unwrap it).

thanks for info

Yep. It’s a joke. Pay a sub for a game I can’t play.

Please just keep the mount permanent. There’s really no need to make it FOMO when other cross-promotions are still active-Sarge, Hearthsteed, Fledgling Hero of Warcraft, Graves. Sure, you could argue that the Flamesaber was speshul enough, but it still required effort to get.

Having cross-promotion stuff be permanent would surely be beneficial because if people play it and they like it, they’ll spend more time playing the game. It’s especially weird for this one as WotLK Classic is pay to play so it just seems illogical to put an end date on this promotion.

On a side note, I haven’t seen if there’s a Feat you get for having the mount but if not, the perfect title would be Dragonblighted.

I am still somewhat bitter they removed the title and achievement from Legion if you chose to destroy all the red dragonflight eggs during the DK Legion mount chain.

But I was somewhat glad to see they referenced it in the little breadcrumb chain you picked up in Drustvar in BfA when you finished the little chain and the quest gave you the option to kill the drake and she tells you she remembers what you did and tail swats you halfway to Zandalar.

At least we know now it’s time limited.

Play a Death Knight in Wrath of the Lich King Classic™ Before 28/11 and Get a Mount in WoW®

So, it became another disgusting FOMO? Too bad I did it the day before Classic WOTLK was launched because if I had known it is a FOMO thing I wouldn’t do it. I don’t want to be part of any of Bobby’s metrics of players spending more time in-game due to FOMO

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Had to come back to WoW just for this mount. When will Blizzard learn that people don’t like FOMO?


You came back to WoW just for this mount. You’ve just proven to Blizzard that FOMO works.

YOU are the problem here.


If they already planned on getting it not really, but coming back once they ‘clarified’ it was time-limited I could maybe say yes. Most of the blame is on Blizzard for their awful decision, though.

u need like 1 hour for this mount…and its fine if there are a few things which u can only get in a limited time for no extra costs(, if you already are subbed). You get no player power, just another mount which no one is using after a few weeks.
If ppl dont get this mount in time, they simply dont want it.

Oh, I got a mount in retail and didn’t even know it. I am deeeeefinitely going to play that again now. For suuuuure.

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