Please balance Archaeology abit

until both your braincells decide to think again with the competition on weapons.

any casters will fight over any SP dagger/staff
priests/shamans/paladins/druids fight over SP maces
paladins/mages/locks fight over SP swords
UHDK/BloodDK/Ret/Arms fight over any 2h
FDK/Enhance fight over slow 1hs
just to name a few, most weapons having at best 15% droprate or 1%.

here’s me already planning out my next 2 chars after maxxing out archaeo on 2 mains already, to avoid doing EK (Troll/Dwarf solves for staff/blade) and go kalimdor to bash out NE/Fossil (because i dont need anything from it anymore).
This profession is BS and should’ve gotten a failsafe, the idea that the playerbase “enjoys digbrain” is absolutely absurd, nobody enjoys it, it’s BS.

That one is really only true if you’re pugging. And if you’re pugging you’re really subscribing to RNG hell which is something that never changed in WoW. It was bad since the dawn of WoW it won’t be better anytime soon.

And epics from Archeology have at best around 0.3% of happening. If the lowest odds in an activity where you actively compete against others for loot can be this low, then why should an activity that’s completely solo with no competition for goods (which outside of Fishing is not something you have in professions as all involve some form of competition against other players) have better odds?

somewhat right, but in guilds you also need rng, regardless of loot system.

when you didnt go into archaeology with a plan, yes.
if you didnt know, the first solves for any race aslong you dont waste em to get to 450, have a higher chance for a rare or epic. so these numbers go up drastically. by then you are capped on fragments and should be able to get a rare/epic out of whichever race you decided to stockpile on.

There’s massive amount of BS RNG in this profession alone. even if you complete not one but 2 races, eg. NE/Fossil and try to go for tolvir, you get more NE/Fossil digsites despite the fact that you 100% both NE and Fossil. Then there’s the solve RNG etc.
And this is just terrible.

There are 3 weapons across the board + less competition because of zin’rokh

Still digging …

that’s a nice solution.

dig…dig…dig… Still here, someone send drinks please.

the fact this BS prof isnt still fixed is beyond me.

Keep digging

Little update - Seeing as I heard a rumor that when you hit 450 you have a high chance of your next few solves being a rare, I decided to level Arch on one of my alts.

  • I got to 450 with 200 Troll frags and then proceeded to only solve Troll until I hit 525 - Got nothing… I swear that there is a hidden luck stat on accounts/toons and mine is set to -10000000 or something :frowning:

On a plus side, it got my alt to level 82 just doing Arch so its not a total loss I guess.

On my Main, I am now close to 400 Troll sloves and 1000 total solves with still only unlocking 1 iLvl 359 item being the Shield.

Blizzard, please fix this profession, its horrible.

The raids are already available with plenty of weapon drops, not much point in changing archealogy at this point. Except maybe Tyrandes doll which I quess is still good for healers.

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