But you are talking about something else here. The consequences you are talking about aren’t decreed by a just entity. They were the result of bad writing and bias.
The Horde got burned once, okay, sure. They did it again, the same exact way. What’s that? Bad writing, lack of imagination, plain stupidity.
Then they proceeded to write the Horde out of the story for the last 3 expansions, what’s that? Bias.
Ideally we get proper, unbiased writers to create a proper conflict, without pushing their favorite characters on the players like Golden has been doing with Jaina and Anduin.
Hello Erevien, the aldor, such nonsense can only come from you.
Let’s remember how the alliance was treated stupidly almost all the time and was slapped in the mouth and lost and was only allowed to react.
Süderstade gone, Hillband gone, Threamore gone, Gilneas, and Darnaus.
Or to remember how Cata Alliance Contet was even canceled so that you could focus on the horde.
The horde was really only on the offensive in cata and the alliance could only react to the aggression, or even with war of thorns.
Speaking of which, the Night Elves were just ridiculously overrun by the Horde in a short time and lost Ashenvale and Darkvoshre, Malfurion was just ridiculously struck down by Sauergang and Darnaus was set on fire in the aftermath.
Only that the alliance then later runs the alliance COMPLETELY stupidly into the trap set by sylvanas, with absolutely no preparation and a pyrrhic victory only for the horde to later raid stumwind in a ridiculous scenario with 5 men.
The whole defense, including Srmee, Gen and Jaina absolutely screwed.
The horde that got Nightborn to legion, which was so ridiculous, gard because even as an allainzter you were in this really long, well-constructed battle, only that you suddenly from the off tyrande gets offended in the tone and thalyssra directly flies around and runs to the horde (and in the same scenario btw lore super rude against alleria again- but hey, that doesn’t bother)
Golden has no influence on the ingame lore which is the main part of the WoW lore, she only writes the books, for stoy decision you can refer to (Metzen) and Danuser, who by the way are both very pro Horde.
And it was Danuser whi let sylvanas life afetr waht she did because he is ehr biggest fanboy (also Thrall was Metzen favorite since it was his self insert)
That has nothing to do with bad writing these are examples for consequences of a war story and it sucks to be on the recieving end and to loose something just so the story isn’t stale and still standing
It’s bad writing. See, you make the player run around doing stuff for the Horde leader, then all of a sudden they pull a 180 on you and you are now doing stuff against the Horde leader. But okay, let’s ignore that, pretend it does not exist.
You have an expansion where your faction leader is the bad guy, you work with him, beat the blues on some occasions, then you are fighting your faction leader cause he upset one character or another, you defeat him. That was Mop, respectively SOO, fast forward to BFA. Your faction leader is the bad guy, you work with her, beat the blues on some occasions, then you are fighting you faction leader cause she upset one character or another, you defeat her.
That is not good writing. Not even close.
Yeah that’s not the best writing sure but that’s not the point I was trying to make.
No matter how good the writing is either nothing happens in that war or there are losses cause it’s a war and then the side that has a loss feels bad cause they lost a city or a territory to the plot
I think that’s why it’s mostly Horde characters who want faction war back, they gained territory in Cata, they got to rampage across Ashenvale and Darkshore, they blew up Theramore, plagued Southshore, and torched Darnassus, all the Alliance players got to do is lose (Cata levelling is a constant curb-stomping by the Horde, basically), or (at best) mop up after the Horde rampaged through a zone.
Canonically, we took a lot of the land back (Or are still fighting, being derided for it, thanks “Exploring Kalimdor”…), but that’s all in books, mission table blurb, or other places where we don’t actually see any of it.
Just uncouple the players from the factions, and also give us less contact with faction leaders, having a quest involving a racial/faction leader used to be a pretty rare occasion, now we get daily quests from them.
Nah, not really.
What did we got?
Gilneas-wow, thats much.
And darkshore is uninhabitable.
Arathi was even retconed, alliance won that in bfa only have it later split and give half the land to the mag’har for living space in the east.
Tht is such a bs decision, even if you see it from a in universe veiw, how the people of arathi must feel betrayed after all yhe fighting and after they won, Danath just decided to give up half the land to the mag’har, of the horde, which they removed from arathi in/after bfa.
One other poit is: the horde gains are immediately shown ingame while the alliance, IF they gain something ist just mentioned in the books-which is by the most if the playerbase (and again ist likely to be retconed soon)
That’s my point put in a less wordy fashion, the Horde get to do cool stuff in-game, conquer, smash, burn, slay, the works (And as you said, this is what changes the world in-game), all the Alliance gets to do is clean up the mess afterwards, kill a few stragglers and move on, yay Alliance…
We even got a few quests to really rub in how terrible the whole Teldrassil-thing was, just in case we weren’t quite miserable enough about losing a whole capital city to Horde aggression, honestly, if i wasn’t this attached to the races of my characters, i’d have just faction-changed already.
I do see some arguements on alliance vs horde npcs in TWW, let it be known as a horde player I feel 0 representation in tww and I have damaged my teeth gnashing (exagerated lie for dramatic effect, it is bad tho) them together from having to dust off alliance leaders Pinky toes or whatever cringe ah ah squire duties they made us do for them
There is no neutrality in TWW, it is an alliance story
And to those who mention Thrall, one orc does not make a horde
General comments not sniping at anyone but just feel it has to be said cause regardless of conflict being a squire to alliance leadership feels all sorts of bad as a horde player, atleast let me be a squire to horde leadership if you’re gonna make my character do stuff like that.
Agreed. The horde x alliance identity is so far gone that people don’t even engage with faction beef at all either, it’s just… a stone in the shoe for the sake of being.
Ah, here we go. Why you people don’t just say you want that from the start, I’m sure I don’t know.
Okay, I’m gonna say this again and I’m getting tired of repeating it. WoW is a faction based game, factions have a specific identity that was inherited from the Warcraft series and developed over time and I consider it an important aspect. If hey undo it then that goes out the window, personally I don’t think they should, because I don’t see a good reason to other than certain people who played this game way too much need to see their gnome hopping around in Ogrimmar or their fox-rat going to cyborg in Goldshire.
First of all it never made sense to strictly assign the races to the factions. Let the factions have there morals and view points but why can’t a orc support they alliance way or a human the horde way?
Sure the factions are primarily made from specific races but why should the horde decline an obvious powerful mage that wants to kill alliance and help the horde just cause he is a gnome?
And second we are way past being the champion of the horde or the alliance. We are the heroes of azeroth. The whole damn planet
We should be above the petty squabbling of the factions.
Let us be mercs or adventurers or whatever you want to call it.
And then the factions can really wage war on each other without the Devs needing to think about us.
And no one says you can’t be a die hard horde fanatic anymore. Choose the horde whenever you can but if they loose then it’s not a you thing since you where just a Merc not a general
It made sense in WoW. It made sense in games like WoW. It made sense in just about every other game. You picked your character based on the knowledge you are given. You are a member of a species that is a member of the Horde. That’s how it works. Just like it works in any other game where you pick a side. You represent that side. That’s it.
And I don’t know about this champion stuff. It’s idiotic. I just did the Kirin Tor quest where I’m running around next to WoW Elsa like I’m her best buddy, as a Horde player. Yeah. Champion of douchebaggery maybe.
And if a merc fantasy is what you want, how about a compromise? You can be a merc that is employed by your starting faction?
See, you people love to mess with stuff that’s working without actually thinking about the consequences.
As a Horde player, I’d love to see more quests and moments in modern questing where I explore a Horde hub and interact with Horde characters, while my Alliance character engages with Alliance NPCs—even if it’s just for a chapter or two in a zone. Blizzard has plenty of ways to reintroduce a strong faction identity, and I’ve been missing that classic “two sides, one tale” vibe that defined WoW beyond the usual faction conflict.
That’s a fair point of view. And I agree that they’re still an important aspect.
However, I don’t think that the conflict between the factions is still an important aspect.
I’m in favour of keeping the factions’ identities.
I’m not in favour of focussing on this unrealistic conflict between them that keeps dragging on, long after it has overstayed its welcome.
Yes please, we need this time alliance leader to go mad and start war on massive scale something that they use as excuse to start war with horde, where horde come to almost being destroyed and Sylvanas or Azshara come to save them !
Thinking to my self : “horde submit to Azshara as queen of the horde” haha
Alliance can have nerubians, let us horde have Naga haha