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Hey peeps still looking for dps and another MS healer for our continued adventure through Daza’Alor.

We are especially interested in recruiting a Warlock, Druid, and Death Knight. Other dps classes considered but no warriors or mages at this time I’m afraid.

For healing we would be interested in recruiting a Druid, Shaman, or Monk.

If you’d like to raid with a friendly group of people and do your part to help us get Curve every tier, please add Max on Bnet Dodger#2127 or Discord Maxi#0222 for a chat about joining. Many thx :slight_smile:


Now 4/9HC and still looking for the following:

Healer preferably Resto Druid, Resto Shaman, Monk, Pally.

Ranged: Boomkin, Warlock, Hunter, others considered.

Melee: Death Knight, Feral, SV Hunter, others considered.

Add Max on Bnet Dodger#2127 or Discord Maxi#0222 for a chat about joining the team. Thx,

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Conclave goes down moving us to 5/9HC. On to Rastakan and Mekkatorque this Sunday! We are looking for another healer and some Dps to join the team.

Healer: All classes considered, Resto Shaman or Monk preferred.

Melee: DK, Feral Druid, SV Hunter, others considered.

Ranged: Warlock, Boomkin, Shaman, others considered.

Add Max on Bnet Dodger#2127 or Discord Maxi#0222 for a chat about joining the team. Thx :slight_smile:
