Don’t use holidays for WoW?
Dude, your post is breaking the forum.
In the official announcement, they said they still want to release it this year
So my guess is that it will either be :
-> 2nd half of November
-> Beggining of December/1st half of December (max)
But we’ll see, there are many issues they need to fix (for example leveling or covenant abilities balance) or rethink the changes they made (like recent conduit changes -> aka really horrible changes)
My estimate is in 2nd half of Nov with the raid release/mythic raid release delayed till January.
But my crystal ball may not be working. I’ve dropped it a few times
Here’s my advice. The release week will most likely be bonkers anyway with a lot of people on the servers stressing them and probably soms bugs to fix, etc… So, all things considered, with the lack of release date etc, forget about taking holidays for WoW, take this oportunity to take your holidays to do something else you also enjoy, or to travel idk…
In a world without covid I might have had something else to use my time on but not any more lol.
I was at the midnight launch of legion and bfa and both went really smooth so not foreseeing major issues
Realistically, even if I can’t get the time off to play shadowlands, the time I take off will still be spent on wow
Fair enough.
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