If you want to cut off your nose to spite your face be my guest. It’s certainly on brand.
the brand here I hate Pi. and blizzards tuning around it that does Not work.
been garbage since legion since they nerfed our mastery doesn’t affect renew
Well holy in general feels bad this season. They should just make priest Stamina buff give haste Passively and remove Pi all together. Holy is literally the healer with so many bottoms to puch it makes no sense
Like the whole dev team for priest should rework the class. Remove 7 abilitys and make some ability’s stronger.
Disc feels stale and I don’t know about shadow but it feels Poorly reworked to say the least.
Did a 12+ as holy all i can say holy feels not priest anymore i dont know what blizzard thinks adding so much ability’s and their healing feels under tuned as can be.
druid paladin warlock death knight have combat ress.
Evoker shaman Mage hunter has blood lust
I don’t see no reason to why shadow priest shouldn’t have a combat ress or a BL then they be relevant in pve as well.
I do find it odd priest don’t have a combat res considering they are saints more so than paladins.
For reference, shadow priest got a nearly 10% buff from that start of the expansion, and we are still bottom tier DPS. I think logs are showing us at like 5th worst currently. If the damage PI gave to other classes was included into our damage, we slot in at around 5th. So “overall” shadow might actually be in a good spot in terms of tuning, but for most people, it feels horrible sitting at the bottom all the time and having no realistic possibility for upwards progression because with one button we can give another class 10k damage. I think for the overall health of shadow priest and class balancing in general, PI should either be removed, or somehow reworked to where it is no longer an external. I get it, it’s sometimes fun to give out a PI and watch other people crank damage, or to crank damage as another class when you get a PI, but it seems like PI is fun for every DPS except the one who actually has PI, because it’s honestly just created more problems than it has solved.
They should make Shadow form give 5% haste passive and remove Pi.
think the removal of PI to put the haste increase elsewhere is about the only thing i can agree with you on really.
They need to give us Hero and a ranged aoe interrupt we are literally the not picked class in game as shadow right now also holy feels unpicked compared to evoker.
I literally feel sick of this version of priest too much bottoms too much crap to push to much RNG procs and never having aoe when you need it feels sad.
Justifying saying we have 8 dots on demand when its a skill shot is like saying they actually dealing damage barely notice any damage from them.
They had BFA shadowlands to deal with this crap.
feel robbed from a good rework.
Why would giving priests lust make them more desirable when lots of classes doing really good right now have lust, so you’re most likely gonna be in a group with a hunter…shaman…arcane mage?
PI + lust in a group is insane. Youre just the troll from before crying about shadow priests…right?
You were crying about being a shadow main and how bad shadow is now, and now youre crying about healing and what healers need?
Give it a rest troll. Go back under your bridge.
I can’t imagine removing PI from priest. When i play disci i alway give PI my fellow raid healers so they can also spam there healings. It’s not only for dps… it can also be used for healers as well.
Season 1 in DF will go down in history book of boredom It lacks Originality
They could at lest made it work like TBC heroism it affects your party team of five people and have a 5min cd.
Having to make target focus macros is dull and boring.
I hate long CDs though, 2 minutes is perfect for my attention span. And considering how many classes have 2 min CDs it seems to be a popular trend.
You could try a mouseover macro for it BTW. I do actually agree the focus target system is a little limited.
I don’t like that either since it can hit tank or healer and then its wasted its just very annoying to be honest.
Blizzard could build up on this and add 5% haste in to group for bringing a Priest they could bake Pi in to our Stamina buff.
Then remove it.
Pi in general is boring its just a Hero but on a 2min cd. I don’t get why blizzard don’t bake it passively in to our stamina buffs like who needs Hp when you can get haste.
Druids gives vers why can’t Priest give haste.
Then our CDS would not need a cast timer.
You already give Stamina. And, you dislike giving PI away so accidentally giving it to a less than optimal group member shouldn’t bother you? There’s even good times to PI tank or healer.
yeah right but will have to play this bogus expack till the end and get a rework to something that works.
Instead of this
Clunk fiesta.
i dont know they should remove Pi tho and maybe fix ST of shadow
My ideas after this ovetuned garbage expack is done.
kinda we had this problem , we’re not getting invited in most of m+ keys just becuz we got no Bloodlust,
why dont they give all healers bL?
choose one
Choose All tank have BL or All Healer SOMETHING
so unfair tho
Do you guys every stop complaining?
Watch a cat catch a mouse and chill.
Shadow Priest is top of the raid dps rankings on warcraft logs current mythic raid. Holy priest is middle of the pack. You are a top 10 spec in mythic+ dungeons. Holy priest is far below you.
Yet this forum is full of SP’s complaining and fe holy priest complaining. You are the top raiding dps and top 10 in mythic+. One of the best dps class/spec in the game.