Possible corruption fixes?

There’s no reason for me to get banned. I’m just helping. I will get the MVP tag and my text will be green. We’re gonna fix this game.

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I agreed corruption which this topic is about and not pvp needs sorting the swearing and name calling I have flagged you for .

Nothing has been posted in that channel at all about this topic so you are lying like always .

They go hand in hand right now, no? Because of corruption rated arena play isn’t even worth doing anymore because you’re always guaranteed to lose against people stacked with IS, GW or MF.

If they would disable those in BGs/Arenas it’d be fine though.

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That is a good idea do like they do with trinkets in the pass like way back in Cata and the trinket from DS corruption should not work in PVP at all .

But the topic is about Corruption in general but thank you for being polite :slight_smile:

It depends on the POV and one POV and perception of the world is all that matters for him anyway, isn’t it?
If you are a pvp-er and you don’t wanna be forced into content you don’t like (pve grinds) the game becomes unplayable for you because you literally can’t play it in that state.

If you want to call “playing” a game where you step into arena and get obliterated by guys with PvE grear and you, having done only PvP have total garbo gear, then ok, but most ppl that won’t go PvE would just consider the game unplayable and stop playing it.

Once, WoW was a game about choice, you wanted to play only pvp - there you go, pvp for you, top gear for pvp coming from the content you want - pvp. If you want PvE - then go pve, and vice versa.
Blizzard destroyed that and replaced it with pure pve grind.

I have 1…ONE item from PvP in my “Arena set” in the wardrobe. And if I had a better item (which I haven’t gotten yet from the raid, cba to grind it) I would probably replace even that.

So, there is this pvp gear, that noone uses actually in pvp. This is broken and non-functional system. My friend’s list has drastically decreased cause most of my friends I played with were pure pvp and they feel the game is just unplayable for them in this state, they don’t want to do pve chores just to have a chance to not be stomped in arena by PvE geared ppl.

I agreed with him about the corruption fml move on with that point .He said the game is unplayable in general which it is not .

I will wait and see what we get before I get excited. Speculation is rife that they may add a corruption vendor.

It’s probably the only way I’ll get Gushing Wound

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I think we all understand his notion of “unplayable” and it’s for sure not “technically” unplayable. Hope we are all smart enough ppl to understand the use of hyperbole in language sometimes to express an extreme feeling about something, right?

Where is Sinaaki with popcorn gifs when you need her the most.


unplayable is the wrong word, the whole corruption and whats surrounding it, just makes it overwhelming.

Most likely working like she always does .

…hence for a lot of people unplayable in their PoV.


That’s the best I can do until she’s free


well in a sense it is :stuck_out_tongue: personally i would say what ive said in my opinion on whats coming, should come… but i also think vials should be account bound

I completely understand everyone’s view over the system it is really bad but still doesn’t give him a right to mock people who don’t play in the top 5%.

I rather have TF/WF back then this system and that was awful .

Oh, you are absolutely right about someone mocking others for not being in top 5% or not having NNN rating etc.
Rating bashing is one of the most stupid thing on these forums, yet it happens sometimes, usually by ppl with complexes, don’t pay attention to it.

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I’m a casual pvp player (in WoW at least, kinda admit that I am/was tryhard in other games) and it’s basically not playable for me. At least not in a way which is enjoyable.

I can not I am female .

if you actually read I do PVE as in raiding and mythic + same as you and I agreed the system is bad same as you did my argument was with him and how he acts just like you are now .

Very nice and active life thank you away from the game .

Psychopathh you live up to your name ,you need to calm down and read what I said before ranting like you are

Don’t bother replying i’ve flagged you and placed you on ignore for being so wrong about all .

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That’s true, I agree, but look at it from a PVP point of view. I used to be a hardcore raider and never did PVP untill somewhere in Cata and I liked it more than PVE from there on.

PVP is about doing bg’s, doing arena’s with friends, making rbg teams, doing world PVP. It’s more than most people think it is. Also it has the most viewers on twitch streams so alot of people share my opinion. For us the game is UNPLAYABLE, what we are saying. We don’t look at it as a whole, cause we don’t do mythic grinding (well we don’t want to but we’re forced to), we don’t spend hours for an achievement, we like the competitive PVP.
Class balance is gone and it’s not that it cannot be achieved, they did it in the past, or at least were close to it compared to the current state…
They make us grind endless PVE in order to compete in PVP, ok, ok I get it. But making people who raid high end content more powerfull in PVP is just stupid… Adding corruption is even worse, people get hit in arena for 240k!!! check Youtube and twitch streams of rank 1 players who won Blizzcon tournaments.

No more tactics in arena practically, or anywhere, cause you could just die in 1 second. THAT IS WHAT WE ARE TRYING TO SAY.

You would say the EXACT same if you had to do PVP in order to compete in mythic+ dungeons.

Daestra doesn’t understand, for her the game is good. If let’s say raiding was totally broken she would just grind endless reputation and achievments, which is fine cause she likes everything blizzard serves her, but we DO NOT.

I’m talking in the name of my friends and I, with more than 12 years of playing wow. This is totally broken as it was in CATA (pve trinkets one shotting people), they added a little bit on top of that, by making PVE gear in other slots +corruption better than PVP gear. So I have to raid weekly in order to compete in ARENA.

Get it?

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You flagged me, I should now delete my account. We stated 100 times that we don’t like the current state of the game and that it’s broken, in OUR point of view and in OUR experience. Instead of readin the reason why, you reply that the game is not broken and that there is plenty more to do.

I’m pissed to be honest you know why? 12 years I have been playing this game. I took alot of breaks in Legion and BFA, barely played them. Now i finally started again, also cause of corona, and I notice the extreme RNG. I got 4 x bracers every week from mythic chest, I cannot use. They are all for BM when I’m SV and loot is set to it. I also noticed that even with ILVL 455-460 i get dropped like a sack of potatoes in ARENA and bg’s cause I get hit with 100k+ crits.
In order to compete, I have to grind rep, open zones, grind more rep, get essences, get cloak, level cloak daily and on top of that I have to just grind the best PVE gear cause it’s the best. What is this??
THAT pisses me off you know. Instead of grinding bg’s (which should be slightly balanced gear wise) and arena in order to buy gear so i can COMPETE in arena/bgs, I have to do raiding? Dungeons? And even then the RNG is killing me?
So let me play 15hours/day and do dungeons and raiding and PVE overall, so maybe I can compete in PVP by the end of 2024!

Flag me now please as like I said something wrong!

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