Post if you want to make some in-game friends (pt3)

hello to whoever is reading this returning player here looking to make some in game friends ,people to chat with etc i have discord aswell add me

Greetings all!
Im 21, new player, want to make new friends to chat and play with.
Recently got access to Void Elves and am focusing on leveling but am up for anything.
I mostly play DPS because I havent learned anything else yet
Im on vacation right now so a lot of time on my hands, but playing alone sometimes gets a bit stale.

Battletag: Roadhog #11423

Thank you!

Age: 19
personality: either very chill and calm or hyped up and screaming
faction: Horde only
characters: Mainly monk and shaman all three specs respectively
Playing time: Every day from around 12 to 6pm around that
up for: I mainly do M+ and PvP
Battletag: Symmerci#2423

I’m a new player having had nothing to do with WoW until Classic came out. Gave it a try, found it too slow, switched to retail at the tail end of BfA and now find myself with a max level paladin and a host of alts (really loving’ Chromie time). I’m mostly leveling alts through the older expansions and some solo end-game stuff with the paladin but would like to try out dungeons more and even a raid maybe, and in general play with people.

Age: 37 (no, not a typo)
Personality: calm, helpful, fond of dad-jokes (insert “funny” at your discretion)
Characters: way too many. Enjoy melee DPS the most, scared of tanking
Playtime: full-time job and a family so… erratic at best. I usually have Wed or Thu evening “off” (thank you, wife) and some hours here and there throughout the week. May have to suddenly drop everything and rush to resolve the crisis of the moment.
Up for: dungeons, leveling, questing, everything goes as long as it’s with good-natured folks.
Battletag: MattiMaxxter#2124

Haloo guys, I returned to a game after some several month pause Just to see that all people I played with left the game. I am 29, friendly, casual player. Hope to get to some m+ dungs soon, but meh, if you Just love to chat, I am yer guy. Sorry for possible mistakes in my comment, english is my second language. martianov#2163, feel free to message me. If it does matter, I play brew on a silvermoon.

Hello everyone!

Feel free to add on steam, nick; Tecliz (url: / ) - Or on (Tecliz#2620)

Got a Level 55+ Priest, and same lvl mage. (Magtheridon Server - EU)
Returning after a few years offline, I’m from Norway, 37 years old, very laid back, happy, helpful and mostly up for anything. Doing mostly quests and dungeons to get back into it, before starting raiding again. Also, would LOVE to start some PvP action with anyone, who is willing to keep up with a learner. Really would love to meet a cool group of people to play with, or just some crazy (in a good way) people to hang with. Send me an invite or add me anytime if you’re in the need for a friendly helper!


looking for a couple buddies to chat with and do pretty much anything arenas battlegrounds m+ raiding im down for anything add me if u wanna just chat too my door is open :smiley:

About me: I’ve played wow 14 years with little breaks in between,I’m female from the uk…looking to make new friends as my friends list is very quiet at the moment

Age: 44

Personality: laid back, bubbly, chatty, friendly

Side: Mainly Alliance

Chars : my main is a resto Druid but I do have many alts

Playtime: mainly evening till early hours

Up for: anything, M+,bgs etc

Battle tag : Luckyones#2418

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Sup Y’all it’s me, your paladin, Gunn.

About me: I’m from norway, mid 20’s with to much time to waste. I’m a special person with humor that some may not handle well and banter around often. I am pretty caring and calm person aswell even though it may not show easily.

Side: Alliance only

Playtime: much as i can, which means alot.

Up for: everything, i do everything in the game, not pet battles f that.

Btag: Rudelady#2156 I would like that people that actually add me are social willing to do content them self so we make it into a friendship, not interested u just add me to have some weird PvP/PvE E-Girl in your girl collection on bnet dusting

About me: I’m from the Czech republic. Been playing since Shadowlands ptr, but I watched streams and stuff like that for a longer time. I know quite a lot about the lore. I’m looking for new czech friends, but feel free to add me even if you’re not czech. English is fine as well.

Age: 21

Personality: shy in rl, but can go crazy online. I play chess.

Faction: I played alliance for several months, but then switched to Horde like a week ago, because there’s more czech guilds here.

Characters: I’ve leveled a lot of classes during my time in the service of the Alliance. As for the Horde, I’m currently leveling my first character - a warlock. After I hit lvl 60, I’ll decide between him and my ele shammy, whom I might transfer from the Alliance. As an alt, I’ll probably make either mage or Spriest.

Playing Time: whenever I’m not at school (which is all the time now thanks to COVID) and don’t have to study (which isn’t very often)

Up For: I plan on focusing on guild raiding, but I’m up for anything. PvE/PvP, collecting mounts, pets. etc.

Battletag: Anduin#21997

Age: 10 + 10 + 9 quick maffs

Personality: have one

Side: Horde only

Playing almost every day

I have a group of real friends and in game friends who have a little community and we play almost every day, mostly keys, arena and transmog runs. Really laid back and were always having a blast on disc.

If anyone is interested in joining feel free to add me. were all around 25-30.

Battletag: mackie#2881

About me: I have played since Legion (took like a little brake). Im from Norway. Would be happy to hang out with anyone :slight_smile:.

Personality: Chill, talkative and friendly.

Side: Mainly Alliance but which between.

Chars : My main is alliance human but have like alts everywhere.

Playtime: Pretty much since I wake up until I cant be bothered.

Up for: anything, just not pet battles.

Battle tag : Jujos#2124 EU

Intro: ❀ܓ‎ (̂•▾•̂) Howdy, I’m Kiri
I’ve played WoW for about 11 years coming up I thinks? I’m one of those players who knows too much about the game but doesn’t play well at all despite the time played.
I like long walks on the beach, candle lit dinners and the ability to chug copious amounts of gfuel in one sitting.
Honestly, just saddens me how quiet the game has gotten you could say something in /s and no one would even look at you nowadays.

Country: UK

Age: 21

Personality: If it wasn’t obvious, I’m very talkative and will without a shadow of a doubt spam your chat. Probably. I also like making people laugh.

Faction: Alliance, I have a Horde alt but I don’t visit it often only for Horde friends.

Characters: As of writing this I just rerolled to a Paladin, but i have pretty much every class at level 60 or around level 50 waiting for the intro skip.
I main Healers but have the brain cells to Tank and DPS decently.

Playtime: I’m very free… very very free. Depends on sleep patterns since I mess up mine every often.

Up For: Anything, EVEN pet battles I just really suck at them. I also like collecting things if you’re into that. Also if you want someone to level with you that’s totally cool too. We can do matching character names ; )

Favourite Color: Red
Favourite Ice Cream Flavor: Neopolitan (does that count as a singular flavour…)
Favourite Method of Disassembling a Body: When you cut up tiny chunks and squish them down the holes of your sink.
Favourite Season: Autumn is pretty nice.

Battletag: Kiri#22506

×× If you do add me please do it with the intention of messaging! I get so many people who add and then have no intention of talking and it really defeats the purpose of this. ××

Hi there :slightly_smiling_face: I’m looking for mature friends to play with (maybe other games as well?) before my sub ends later this month. I don’t know if I’ll renew it.

  • About Me:
    I’m from the UK & in the end half of my 20s (“a lady doesn’t tell her age” - it’d be nice to meet other girl gamers btw!). I play casually, but I can also be a try-hard haha. I started at classic and have taken multiple long breaks since TBC, hence the achievement gaps.

  • Personality:
    I’m sweet and easygoing - we can chill out or act like goofballs together!

  • Characters:
    Jesxi’s my main. I alt Hunter & Druid (198ish iLevel) on Alliance, Silvermoon server. Happy to switch things up for us to play together!

  • Playing time:
    Daily for a few hours, if in the mood.

  • Up for:
    Casual PvP (& rated if you want to develop together), casual PVE (normal/heroic dungeons because I’m a noob), achiev/transmog runs, or just exploring the world.

Battle tag: Ghxstizer#2404
Note: You’ll need a mic, sorry - this’ll help us both to make sure we’re not kids or creeps, right? :sweat_smile:

Take care :slight_smile:

Age: 30+

Personality: Quiet, Dry, Calm, helpful and a bit slow. The typical traits of Finn.

Faction: I equally love orc shoulders and gnome pigtails. Big iron gates of Orgrimmar and tall halls of Ironforge

Chars: 14 years worth of alts, but warrior has been my main class since MoP.
Currently, levelling three new ones to see how each spec works post squish and working on loremaster.

Playing time: Evenings, somewhere after 5pm CET. Not as often as back in the day.

Up for:
-Running continents end to end and talking about each one’s favorite places in zones.

-Completing achievements that are long forgotten.

-Gathering transmog pieces, it hurts to sell all non plate items for nothing.

-Boring rep farms that you can grind without dailies

-Standing in capital, pretend to be npc’s and sell useless items to others. Or other creative small RP events.

-Sitting in voice and doing our own things

-talking about lore, things that been, could been and could be in the future.

-LFR, where you can hear me guide other players, even tho its just us in call. Only to forget DPS mechanics when I’m not tanking.

-Slow instances, where i write couple lines between pulls and go to gogo peoples ignore list.

-Levelling together always fails before reaching max level, but we can give it a try

Not up for:
-Mythic + instances.
-Weekly raids.
-Serious pvp.
-Dailies more than a week at the time.

Other interests not related to wow: Streaming, video editing, Role playing games, bad writing.

Battletag: Musti#22222

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About me: I’m from Sweden. Had a mixed experience with this game.
I played back in TBC when I was in high school like many other people. Quit for some reason and moved to FF11 and played that until 2011-2012.
Came back when Classic released and realized the old type of playing the game doesn’t really fit my adult life like it did in my teen years.

Now I decided to give “retail” a try and been playing on and off last couple months and recently created new characters on Ravencrest. I was first on a different realm when SL released but it wasn’t very Alliance friendly and why I decided to re-roll (I don’t think paying for realm change is justified but I have a Lv60 hunter and Warlock there).

Age: 34

Personality: semi introvert in person but online i’m maybe not a quote extrovert type of person but i’m not as shy or in the background like in person and is generally a pretty happy dude and optimistic.

Faction: I play primarly Alliance but I have a few Horde characters.

Characters: As mentioned above I have a handful characters on both factions but generally I’m a ranged dps player like warlock, mage, hunter. But Warrior is a fun melee too.

Playing Time: Assuming I will continue to WFH after summer I will be available most day but otherwise it safe to say anything from 18:00 to 22:00 CET (not sure what is server time).

Up For: I plan on focusing on guild raiding, but I’m up for anything. PvE/PvP, collecting mounts, pets. etc.

Battletag: sevir#21201

Got very few friends in this game and since its so difficult to make friends in the game now i thought why not give it a shot. Almost 3 years after the post!
Ive been playing WoW since cata. I have raided and pvped both casually and as a tryhard.
I like everything in WoW, i can farm any reputation or any lame grind as long as i have a good friend by my side.

About me:

Age: 19, turning 20.

Personality: Chill, goofball, laid-back and easy going.

Faction: Both.

Characters: Alliance: Ret paladin but willing to level anything. Horde: Mage, Warrior also willing to level anything!

Available: Most of the time, perhaps not always on wow but im willing to talk on discord aswell as on Battlenet.

Up for: Anything with a friend. If thats mythic raiding im up. If it is getting Glad in arena im up. As i said before even if its grinding soulcrushing reps, im up.

Other interests: Games, working out, philosophy, making videos or general entertainment.

Battletag: Retyres#2890

Lets see if the thread is active years later, lookin forward to it!

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About me: Music enthousiast (especially metal) Also really like gaming, and socialising, and it’s always cool to meet new people.

Age: 25

Side: Horde - Quel’thalas

Chars: Mainly warrior, i have a warlock aswell :smiley:

Up for: PvP Mythic+ and old content

Play time: Mostly on the weekends

Btag: Enrage#2800

Age: 34

Side: Horde - Aggramar

Main Char: Exodeo, a Resto Shaman :slight_smile:

Interests: M+ (currently around the 10-12 key level) , mount hunts (Oondasta is the current project), achievement hunting and in particular legion tmog runs (would love to find 1-2 regular people for those) and social raids with my guild. I’ve got an army of alts that would love the tmog from there.

Playtime: Varies but usually a few hours a week, fine with logging on if something is sheduled :slight_smile:

Btag: Exodeo#2151

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You think they’re reading this? Absolutely doubt it.