Potiongate - how it should have been handled

it was closed 15th march you’d have to dig to find it since it would be buried under more recent posts. They should have said something on twitter since they insist on communicating through it.

Just a tweet that they are aware of it and a warning that exploiting it further might result in suspensions.

If you report an in-game event as a bug, and then continue to cause said event on purpose, and it turns out it actually was a bug, you deserve a ban. Doesn’t matter what Blizzard communicates.

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That’s more likely to encourage more people.

How petty can you be?

People out leveling you. Wow.

That doesn’t affect you in any way.

I get the feeling that you got a ban.

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I couldn’t afford those xp pots, and if I could I wouldn’t exploit it.

This just makes it clear that blizzard needs to buff the looms and add in new ones so that you can have a complete set, with everything giving 30-50%

imo a rollback to before the pots where used with affected characters and a 48 hour ban would have solved it.

i mean, people exploited it but also blizzard didnt fix the issue before it was to late yet they act like they didnt do anything wrong in the first place, even when they knew about the issue with the pots. (preach gaming and others even reported it but got no real respons from blizzard before all this).

And no i didnt get banned or exploited this but do think blizzard is kinda pathetic when they could have just fixed this instead of doing as they do in every ptr, beta you name it: Ignore the feedback.


Tbh if you want to give any kind of feed back, you need to do it on the NA forums, because the EU forums seems to be neglected, and that’s just bad because you need a NA account with a char of high enough level to even post there

They should also roll back the characters that were leveled through the exploit.
Especially seeing as how the people getting caught are being terribly smug about the whole thing.

“Yeah, I cheated, so what?? I wanted to level faster so why should I face consequences? Up yours!”-kind of reasoning.


I think Blizzard was too lenient. No matter what way you look at it exploiting an obvious bug is cheating, regardless of what you gain out of it.

Also do people really need twitter to tell them abusing bugs might have negative consequences?

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Nobody deserves the treatment of being treated like a special snow flake and skimping out of a suspension I completely agree, if your stupid enough to go out of your way and exploit it. you had it coming.

No sympathy for people who who think they can act stupid and proceed to get away with it.

If it seems like a bannable offense, don’t do it. If somebody told you to jump of a cliff, would you? no exactly.

I genuinely hope everyone enjoys their ban, trying to pass the buck and say its not their fault for being oblivious is disgusting.

TL:DR Sure blizzard faulted on failing to communicate but you the banned players, you failed as a collective to use any common sense or initiative and got what was coming to you a ban for being greedy and exploiting the game at your own peril, though if i was blizzard I would of rolled your characters back too given how cheeky people have been to have the audacity to say “oh its not my fault i exploited the game despite how specific to the perform the bug it is” anyway see you between 2 days and 1 month! :joy:

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No, cheating.

Why should it be a surprise. Very top guilds publicly admit to account sharing and Blizzard do nothing.

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