Pre - Patch approximate date?

Pre-patch May 4th, TBC two months later.


Classic launched on August 26th 2019 - Mid summer.

Why do you think that summer is unlikely for video game/expansion releases?


Schools are open and vacation is over in late August. That is not mid summer.

The seasons have nothing to do with school or holidays (vacation) - we (humans) based the holidays around nature and not the other way around! :smiley:

You seem to be avoiding the question of why you think games will not be released in summer when WoW Classic was launched in summer, in favour of debating which part of summer August is.

This is a common tactic of people who have been proved wrong - to try and change the terms of the argument to something that wasn’t debated in the hope hat by slyly changing whats being debated it will be glossed over that they were wrong at all. It is called a “Straw Man”:

https ://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Straw_man

" A straw man (sometimes written as strawman) is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the proper idea of argument under discussion was not addressed or properly refuted. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be “attacking a straw man”.

The typical straw man argument creates the illusion of having completely refuted or defeated an opponent’s proposition through the covert replacement of it with a different proposition (i.e., “stand up a straw man”) and the subsequent refutation of that false argument (“knock down a straw man”) instead of the opponent’s proposition. Straw man arguments have been used throughout history in polemical debate, particularly regarding highly charged emotional subjects."

Straw man… Isn’t that what you’ve just done?


that’s still my guess.

Classic beta was lengthy due to the fact they were releasing an entire world of mechanics and design as well as having to fine tune current engine workings to match that of Vanilla.

Outland is technically a small addition in comparison as it will sit on the pre-exiting build/world.

I’d like to think that the new racial zones will be prio in order to kick out the pre-patch sooner to build hype as mentioned a few times in this thread.

I specifically said it won’t be released in the middle of summer.
Because they are not going to release a product when people are still on summer vacation.
I have no issues with a late August release.

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Still waiting for an actual answer instead or arguing what part of summer August is straw man.

I didn’t know you had any say in it with Blizzard. I think it will be released before summer, well the pre-patch anyway.

You are the one debating what part of summer August is. I already gave you the answer you are looking for. I don’t know what else to say.
Take your strawman and burn it.

Neither did I. Care to enlighten me?

If I wanted to deal with this kind of density I’d take up astrophysics.

You said.

Like you were involved in deciding the release date. All anyone outside Blizzard can do is guess.

I was referring to my initial post, not to any Blizzard meeting :slight_smile:

n-8, where n is the number of weeks until TBC launch

What I’d wish:
Prepatch early April/ Late March
TBC : Late May / Early June

What I expect: Beta in April, Pre Patch in May , TBC in August

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I think 3 months of pre-patch is a bit long, probably 2 months at the most.

Hopefully soon! The game really just feels like a TBC waiting room at this point. The lame and boring phase 5/6 have been out for too long, save us please!!


How are you this dense? He already told you that he doesn’t believe they would launch a game when a large portion of (potential) players are on vacation.

Also, it is you who wants to argue what part of summer end of August is. But hey, let me break it down now you insist: How we, in Europe (and alot of other places), have defined the summer calendar-wise is 1. June to 31. August. Since vacation periods, which was the argument behind the initial assertian about not launching mid-summer, are fixed towards the calendar (either by date or week number) it is safe to conclude (not argue) that end of August is end of summer in this instance. So this was never up for discussion for anyone… but you apparently.

However, the fact that you actually use a straw man to chant straw man at someone is kind of amazing. Knowing that a straw man argument exists, what it is, refering to it and yet not understanding that you are the one using a straw man argument. You can’t make that up. It’s like a person with dementia calling other people forgetful.

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Guys there is a global pandemic that is lasting since 2020 March basically, they are even probably thinking that people will still be at home this summer.


I really don’t think they’d run that risk when they could just easily launch it at a different time.

Also, just because you maybe can’t travle abroad doesn’t mean you won’t be vacating with family and/or friends. And even though the pandemic started one year ago as you pointed out, people were still travelling last summer…