Preach sums up gear in wow perfectly

inspect my character 90% of my gear come from the free loot system, when killing murloc or be afk 15 mon worth more than killing boss raid or doing m+ we have a problem.

True if you want wow still be mmoprg. Most games i am playing actually dont have something like constant gear improvement and keep me interested just fine. I would prefer a game that keeps people playing by being interesting and not by gear progression. Its just a problem now because the new content is neither very interesting nor has much progression

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watched it fully and gotta admit I agree with him.

he seems one of the smartest wow youtubers tbh


Hi Bartak,

Like you stated before, you can’t make everyone happy. That is a really valid point. Or also what Preach said: In vanilla times we had no previous WoW version to compare with.

Also the player base changed. There are so many moments in these many years that the forums have exploded with feedback, complaints and discussions. I will refrain from naming those moments, because that will serve nothing to this conversation.

I have played also several other MMORPG’s and it always ended up with me going back to WoW. The many years I invested in my characters, the big world and each expansion changes that I liked/disliked or did not care about.

Its just a problem now because the new content is neither very interesting nor has much progression

But this statement is a very personal one. I don’t know if Bartak is your first character or an secret forum character or something like that. But you have missed out on so much content (According your achievements) , that the current expansion might does not make much sense.

For me, there is so much going on, and even tho some things are not in the game yet. And might not will be in current expansion, they might become next expansion. That is one of the reasons why I keep playing.

/Peace out

op, you posted a thread on the EXACT same topic as me? currently these threads are on top of each other, so you didn’t really look in the last dozen or so threads to see if your topic was already being covered before you posted?

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Might that you 2 were posting at the same time :wink:

Edit: Nvm, you were waaaaaaay earlier :slight_smile:

Link to the correct post: Should we go back to old gearing systems?

@Forum Moderator: In my opinion this thread can be locked, as OP is also aware of other thread :slight_smile:

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Yeah your right. Sorry didn’t see it. I’ll have a read through yours :smiley:

So, it’s 43 minutes of someone complaining because the gear gap doesn’t make them feel special enough?

Tempting, but I’m gonna pass. :joy::joy::joy:


It’s the 43 minutes that puts me off watching. That man likes to waffle :grinning:

It’s more him complaining that the current gearing system makes targeting specific pieces unenticing and how it makes progression feel meaningless.

Not a cause that’s particularly close to my heart as I get, and have gotten all my gear from PvP, but he honestly makes a pretty good argument in favor of the older iterations’ way of gearing.

It’s all so disposable now…

Saying as someone who doesn’t watch his videos, usually at least.

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If blizzard knew what people wanted, then they wouldn’t have done, what they have done to this game. Because its quite clear were things started to go wrong…

thats not it at all… Its a very very good video that explains all the problems with current wow. You should watch it yourself…

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Nah, I’m really never going to watch youtube videos of WoW opinions.

I have better things to do with my time (no, really) and I prefer to make my own mind up about whether or not I’m enjoying a game. The moment I decide I’m not, I’ll stop playing.

Funny how the usual suspects who crusade against “toxicity” and whatever other nonsence…are THEE first ones to act “toxic” themselves towards ANY kind of video or post that criticizes WoW or holds an opinion that’s contrary to their group-think.

Pot, kettle, noir 24/7 on these forums.


Gearing system is toxic and poisonous because some guys on youtube says so. You’d think 40 min is enough to explain why but no point since the people unhappy with the state of the game will agree anyway and defend this video like it’s the holy bible.

There’s also a recurring thing which i noticed, the idea of “naming” an item. People trying to prove that a certain system is superior because you can recall the name of an item.
First of all, that’s stupid, yet somehow people look up at this guy thinking he’s very smart, whatever you remember in most cases isn’t universal, this says more about you and your experience rather than the gearing system.

And secondly doesn’t anyone know what survivorship bias is? Yeah you could remember certain items, but there are ten times as much items you used but forgot about.


It is a personal policy of mine (#27645993) to not listen excessively to people in fedora hats.
The addendum to this policy (#27645993.1a) says it’s preferred to avoid them altogether.

Trying to get into BfA back after a long while. Did a +11 for weekly (not really the best thing to happen in the game), then cherrypicked some world quests to drop some excess dailies. Punch a named mob that does little to no damage, repeat 4 times… got 390 titanforge from it -_- an upgrade over M +10 warforged item (or other HC/Mythic raid items I have). After upcoming reset all of that gear will be junk anyway which wasn’t true long ago (what Preach is referring to).

Not sure if I continue and raid BoD. Started playing ranked SC2 from all of that, much more fun, just like M+ in Legion. 10-40min game full of action and adrenaline. Plus the other WoW version is also quite interesting, summer may be fun :slight_smile:


His raid videos are quite nice, but when he puts on his “designer” hat, it quickly becomes clear that he doesn’t have even basic economic knowledge.


Preach is unbearable, arrogant and elitist. Nothing good nor fun in his content.

He plays the game, from a long time and picks the most challenging content the game has to offer. Elitist isn’t a person that plays a game on harder difficulty than you. It’s just a person that finds enjoyment from challenges and feels disappointed when the content and enjoyment is gone, when there is no challenge. Not everyone here plays and pays to be a 87 rogue. Some are hardcore elitist pet collectors, some are hardcore elitist mog hunters, while others are just elitist raiders…