Premade groups in random battlegrounds

Ally pugs are just awful in random bgs .And generally they have more heals than the horde side and still lose . Not allways but most of the time . they win thanks mercenary horde who play in their team :slight_smile:

Fixed it for you.



Reason to horde winning more pugs is rather simple: They have a higher average ilvl than alliance.

Today 6 out of 5 AVs was premade Russians. The games are extremely long (40 min) with premades farming every reinforcement. It cant be that a premade will face all randoms only to get farmed forever.

Premades vs Pugs is plague for a video game. WoW is maintained by braindead devs for braindead players


People still does real money trade with random bg premades and blizzard still dont seems to
care, ht tps://
So rmt premades seems to be in the same boat as bots. blizzard will continue to ignore it since they all pay for sub and all

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Well they can pump that cash in, blizz do not care.

People willing to pay real money to play normal(!) Bg. Its more sadly, than something more. This game is dead at least casual part of PvP.

if u refer to bloodolf comment no, his screen is about rated BGs not randoms. Still, it is sad to see people paying to win in a video game

Nope its not in rated ht tps://

I’m not sure what can be done anymore. But damn, it feels bad fighting against premades. They’re far too coordinated and geared. I suppose the only solution is to fight fire with fire, but that’s more of a band-aid than anything else. Shame…

i dont think blizzard have the competence to care at this point

Haha imagine paying real money to win random bgs that’s hilarious these guys are like the cheap stuff u buy @ clearance sales haha


Guys this shaman is just trolling.

If I remember Blizzard got rid of “in-game” game masters a few years ago now it’s mostly admin stuff, if something is broken they don’t even need to be in the game to do it or something.
If you do /who GM Island there’s literally no one there now ever.

Solo players don’t have access to battlegrounds now, because it’s only premades stomping solo players, that’s basically griefing.
Remove the ability to queue as a team in random BGs, it does not belong there, if they want to play in a team, fine put them against other teams.
In the meantime, stop your subscription or don’t queue BGs, don’t be a victim to griefers.

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I rarely see premades in BGs - either that, or they aren’t noticeable. How are you distinguishing between a premade / non-premade?

I joined a fresh Ashran today where we were 5 players and other faction was 35 when the gates opened.
I assume our lack of players was because a premade refused the BG invite when it popped.
Opposing faction just went straight to our boss and killed them.
A handful of players did join late and stopped the “Not enough players, BG will end in …”

Sad that the existence of premades means people who solo queued never got the chance to join and perhaps make it a more competitive BG.
A lot of players, probably the majority, are disadvantaged because they don’t sign-up for premades for whatever reason.

Works both ways of course - tables could have been turned and it could have been 35 v 5
Or the 30 could have joined and I’d be in there with a premade on my team.

^ A thread about how they can be stopped. It’s up to Blizzard to implement it, but it’d help if more people would ask for it.

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