Preservation searching for raiding guild!

Hi guys,

I am searching for a raiding guild, since I decided to start raiding again.

Some info about me:
My name is Christian, i am 32 years old and live in Denmark. I’ve been playing wow since vanilla, mostly as a healer.

Earlier in WoD / Legion I used to raid mythic, with CE achievements.

My experience during this expansion is “only” 8/8 NM and 4/8 HC.

I can raid every day except friday and saturday.
I’m available from 19:30 and afterwards.

Feel free to ask me any question - Not sure what I need to write more than that.

Im playing horde @ Kazzak, but I am willing to change both faction and server.

Add me on either Discord or Btag.

Quintey#2405 or Disc Quintey#8400

We are on Tarren mill Guild in making missing a heal. And i belive you would fit just there!

Disciples Dawn is raid guild formed a month back, we have cleared NM twice and started HC progression currently 3/8. We are looking for players to top up our DPS Range or Melee at this time, however melee is priority. We also need a healer either a Paladin, Priest or Monk.

We do have a structure in place so we can get what is best for the guild, and we expect everyone to pull their weight. Be that through prior planning or doing their best within the raid itself.

Due to the nature of the guild being on the older end we must ask all members are 17+, English speaking and also have access to a mic/discord.

Raid Schedule

Weds/Sunday - 2030 Server Time Start
Tuesdays are an Optional Raid day for Alts or Final Clears
Optional NM Run for Alts is fluid and added when possible.

Mythic + Dungeons

These are run throughout the week by most members, they are placed on the calendar to get a rough idea of who would like to attend. They are then put into even teams to go and clear whatever key they seek.


Thank you,

Feel free to reply here or contact myself or another officer on Battlenet found below.

Add me here> Battlenet SFD#2195
OR Add Fennex at BN: Nathor#2996

Heya Mate

Swapblasters is a new guild on Silvermoon Alliance. We are looking for more heroic player and we are also looking into doing some mythic prog when we have enough people

Drop a message if interested


Hey man, as i’m somewhat late to the party you might have already found a home… but if not and you’re looking for a guild that is trying to bring back the good old days where in a guild you actually made friends, than feel free to give our topic a look:

The guild is fresh and we have recruited just enough people to raid, but with this group we did 8/8N and 2/8HC in 1 week, so progression wise we are comparable to where you’re at now…